Corona ticker: SH records a record number of new infections | – news


Status: 09.12.2020 6:33 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. To read: Tuesday blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • New high of new infections in Schleswig-Holstein: 314 cases in 24 hours
  • The Robert Koch Institute reports a maximum value: 590 new deaths
  • Corona vaccine is temporarily stored in the barracks.

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
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different case numbers terms

06:33 am

Corona vaccine is temporarily stored in the barracks.

The Bundeswehr will provide its headquarters as an interim storage facility for the corona vaccine. Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) told the Funke media group that wherever it seemed sensible, the vaccine could be stored in barracks. In addition, the Bundeswehr is helping all countries that want it with up to 26 vaccination centers and up to 26 mobile vaccination teams.

The Defense Minister emphasized that more than 9,000 soldiers are already in the Corona mission. Most of them worked in the health departments, but many also in hospitals and nursing homes.

06:14 am

The German Association of Cities promotes a tougher blockade after Christmas

The German Association of Cities is campaigning for a tougher blockade after Christmas. Managing Director Helmut Dedy told the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”: “The time after the holidays is an ideal time for a confinement.” Schools and kindergartens are closed, there are company holidays, many people are on vacation “and you don’t need to go shopping after Christmas.” Dedy is promoting a shutdown from December 28 to around January 10.

6:11 am

New record for deaths nationwide

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported in 24 hours has skyrocketed to a new national record. Health authorities informed the Robert Koch Institute of 590 new deaths in one day, as the morning RKI figures show. That’s more than 100 more cases than the previous record of 487 deaths last Wednesday. A total of 20,815 new infections with the coronavirus were reported in 24 hours. On Wednesday of the previous week the value was 17,270. The highest daily value so far was on November 20 with 23,648 cases.

6:00 am.

Schleswig-Holstein: Highest Daily Value for New Infections

Schleswig-Holstein has in one day There were 314 new infections, more than ever since the start of the pandemic. So far, October 30 was the day with the most confirmed corona infections with 313 cases. The seven-day incidence is now 57.9 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week. Yesterday the value was 54.2 and on Wednesday a week ago it was 44.4. It is not yet known why this sharp increase in the number of infections occurred.

The state parliament in Kiel will deal with crisis management in the pandemic starting at 10 am today. The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Ralf Stegner, had spoken of surprise tactics after the federal and state governments announced the previous week that the partial shutdown would run until January 10. After the current time, Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP) will report on the country’s corona vaccination strategy. The construction of 29 vaccination centers is in full swing.

6:00 am.

Coronavirus Update: Drosten for Christmas Lockdown Too

In the new episode of the “Coronavirus Update” podcast, virologist Christian Drosten advocates for a harsh blockade as of December 24. Drosten refers to the one published today Declaration of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, in which, along with him, other prominent scientists demand tougher measures. According to this, schools will close as of December 14 and stores that do not offer food, medicine and other essential items from Christmas Eve.

6:00 am.

Hamburg: Why is the number of new infections not decreasing?

For five weeks there has been a partial “lockdown” in Hamburg, but the number of cases remains high.

VIDEO: Why are the crown numbers not decreasing despite the restrictions? (3 min)

6:00 am.

News ticker starts on Wednesday

Even today, the team will keep you updated on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

Confirmed infection numbers in northern Tuesday: Lower Saxony reports 841 cases, Hamburg 281, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 228, Schleswig-Holstein 183 and Bremen 110. Nationally there were just over 14,000 new infections.

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