Corona ticker: Merkel prepares to toughen corona measures


4:52 pm | More deaths in New Delhi

In the Indian capital, New Delhi, the largest crematorium is putting additional facilities into operation due to the many corona deaths. A spokesman said more furnaces and pyres would be needed to incinerate the bodies. Currently, up to 22 deaths per crown are taken to the crematorium every day. Before it was eight to nine. The metropolitan region around the capital also recorded the highest death toll in the country with 111 deaths in 24 hours, according to authorities on Sunday.

4:25 pm | The federal government is planning more aid for the aviation industry

The federal government is planning more aid for the aviation industry. The Transport Ministry confirmed the corresponding plans. First, the “Handelsblatt” reported about it. According to this, the federal government wants to develop a strategy together with the federal states and aviation associations and define the so-called safe corridors with other states. This should make long-haul flights possible again and remove entry restrictions. Quarantine rules will also be superseded in favor of test concepts. According to the report, a first meeting is scheduled for early December.

4:15 pm | Coronavirus also in mink in France

Animals infected with the coronavirus have been discovered on a mink farm in central France. The Ministry of Agriculture announced that 1,000 minks would now be killed. Furthermore, the results of two other proven farms are still pending.

Previously, there have been positive cases of corona in mink in Sweden, Greece and the Netherlands, among others. In Denmark, the country’s 17 million minks were ordered to be killed because the virus has mutated and experts fear that a vaccine may be less effective if transmitted to humans. Ireland also announced the slaughter of the entire mink population. According to the information, there are 120,000 animals.

4:01 pm | Every fifth traveler returns incorrect data

About one in five returnees from corona risk areas provide incorrect data. The “Spiegel” reports, which cite internal statistics from the federal police. According to this, the federal police verified 15,147 travelers in random samples at the main German airports since the beginning of November. For 2,985 travelers, the data entered was partially or completely incorrect. A spokesman for the Federal Police Headquarters in Potsdam told the German Press Agency that the checks took place from 8 to 18 November.

If you are coming from a foreign crown risk area, you must register before entering Germany. The information goes to the responsible health department. The goal is to check if someone is complying with the quarantine requirement. For North Rhine-Westphalia, the Higher Administrative Court in Münster lifted the quarantine obligation this week because the risk of infection in several foreign risk areas is now lower than in Germany.

3:40 pm | Leipzig police assess the demonstration: 23 crimes

In connection with the demonstrations by critics of the Corona measures and the counter-protests on Saturday in Leipzig, the police recorded 23 crimes. He is being investigated for threats, dangerous bodily injury, damage to five company vehicles, theft and insults. The police also reported two more investigations into the demonstrations: a group of people are said to have been threatened with a gun from an apartment window early Saturday night. A suspect was reported. Furthermore, the head of a person lying on the ground was repeatedly kicked by the crowd. A policeman fired a warning shot into the air. The suspects have fled. The victim was taken to hospital with minor injuries.
