Corona: the federal government wants to replace lost sales – politics


According to information from SZ, the federal government is planning extensive assistance to support the sectors affected by the partial closure scheduled for November. Among other things, industries in which closures are pending must be reimbursed for lost sales.

The plan is to compensate smaller companies for 75 percent of lost sales. The biggest should get 70 percent. The calculation basis for this is the November 2019 sales. This stems from a proposal made by the Federal Ministry of Finance for negotiations.

The funds for this will come from an already established aid fund: Bridge II aid can be applied for from October to December, but little has been used so far. According to calculations, the sum of the reimbursements could amount to between eight and ten billion euros.

It is also planned to establish a bridge III allowance from January 2021. It is not known how exactly that should look, if there could be company salaries for the self-employed.

The coalition had already announced broad support for a temporary lockdown in its motion for a resolution for today’s Chancellor’s conference call. Emergency aid, bridging aid and quick loans from the state development bank KfW had been announced on the negotiating basis. The chancellor and the prime ministers of the federal states are currently in a conference of change. Other ministers also participate.

The federal and state governments have already provided emergency aid, guarantees and loans totaling more than 1 billion euros in the corona pandemic.
