Corona Summit with Merkel: rules, lockdown: what will probably be decided


Merkel and the federal states are discussing an extension of the blockade on Tuesday. Read the current status of the negotiations here.

  • Heads of federal states will join forces with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday
  • States disagree on the issue of schools and daycare, and whether measures should be toughened further
  • On the other hand, an extension of the blockade appears to be firm
  • Here you can read an overview of what could be decided at the Corona summit.

Germany is still in the so-called fill lock – until at least January 10. But how long will the measures remain in force? Does it have to be sharpened again? On Tuesday, the prime ministers of the federal states will talk with the Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) again on how the strategy to contain the pandemic should be.

There was already a change conference for the heads of state chancelleries last Saturday. There is already consensus that the blockade should be extended. It is not yet clear until when. An extension is likely until at least the end of January. However, there are still some points that should spark discussion on Tuesday.

Read also: Corona: Will Merkel give a press conference after the Corona summit?

The shows what measures and resolutions could be put on the table at the federal-state summit Overview.

Corona Summit on Tuesday: blockade extension probably until the end of January

It is now becoming clear that all prime ministers will advocate for an extension of the strict lockdown. According to the daily “Bild”, the country’s leaders agreed on a new deadline until Monday January 31. Some prime ministers had previously opted for only one two week extension pronounced.

  • Before the Crown summit, the Prime Minister of Saarland warned Tobias Hans (CDU), before hastily loosening the crown restrictions. “To avoid a third wave, we must continue to adhere to a strict lockdown,” Hans told this editorial team.
  • Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left), whose countries are heavily influenced by the second wave of infections affected, had initially requested an extension of the lockdown for another three weeks until the end of January. Now they seem to have prevailed.

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Corona pandemic: will measures get tougher?

Bodo Ramelow wants that Closure in Thüringen in view of the high infection values ​​even exacerbated. He proposed to the cabinet that Range of motion of people 15 kilometers around their place of residence, he said Sunday. However, it is not clear whether such regulation would also be conceivable at the national level.

The following currently applies in Germany activities to contain the corona pandemic:

  • In general, private meetings are only allowed with members of your own household and those of another household. A maximum of five people can meet. Children up to 14 years old do not count in the calculation. The restriction also applies to staying in public.
  • Gastronomic and cultural institutions must remain closed, events are prohibited.
  • Schools and daycare centers were initially closed during the period from December 16 to January 10.
  • Retail trade also had to close in mid-December. Only stores for daily needs, such as supermarkets or pharmacies, can open more.

Crown – More information on the subject

New corona measures: national test obligation planned for travelers returning from risk areas

When it can be relieved again depends on the Seven-day incidence since. The stated goal of the federal and state governments is to reduce the number of new infections to less than 50 per 100,000 residents in seven days. Then health authorities could trace the contacts of infected people again. The national incidence on Monday was 139.4.

To the number of New infections it should be tested again in the future. At the Corona summit, a nationwide test could be mandatory for returning travelers. Risk areas to be decided. These would have to be tested before departure to Germany. Until now, all they have to do is fill out a digital immigration form and enter a quarantine Let’s go. Bavaria has already introduced the mandatory tests.

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Closure: Will schools and daycare centers remain closed?

In front of the top there is, as so often, disagreement on the question of whether schools and nurseries should remain closed. Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) told this editorial team that a full return to classroom teaching in all grades was “unimaginable” due to the current infection situation.

The situation seems less clear Elementary schools and nurseries, on the reopening of which opinions differ more than in the case of secondary schools. Therefore, the ministers of education of the federal states are already discussing the situation on Monday, and the chancellor and prime ministers will coordinate on Tuesday. More: Corona: Are Nurseries and Schools Reopen? These are the plans

Crown – More on the topic
