Corona Summit today – here live on ticker: Merkel on November aid – domestic politics


“Vent Your Head”: Interrupted after the Zoff Hotspots session!

The video link between the Chancellor and the heads of country was interrupted for a few minutes, according to information from the BILD. Reason: when it comes to critical points, the fronts have hardened: the national front is closed, the 16 are strictly against using an incidence of 50 times alone, pressing for an increase to 200 or at least 100. The Foreign Ministry insists at the value 50 as the only limit, otherwise all measures would be undermined. Merkel had emphasized several times: only if the value is below 50, health authorities can still understand the routes of infection and contacts.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), in particular, had called in advance for stricter measures at critical points. For areas that are particularly badly affected, there must be “clearer rules,” Söder told ARD. And: “We need a hotspot strategy.”

A federal minister told BILD about the purpose of the disruption: “Vent your head.”
