Corona summit resolution motion: federal states slow down Merkel’s shutdown plans – this is already planned – politics


This time, too, the wind is coming head-on for Angela Merkel. This is demonstrated by various reactions from the federal states ahead of the Corona summit on Tuesday afternoon. It was so common recently – the Chancellery wanted tougher lockdown measures, especially with regard to the possible spread of Britain’s most contagious Corona mutant.

Some of the federal states resisted this; The current easing situation cannot be transmitted to the population about the tightening.

After an expert discussion on Monday evening and a subsequent group of four: Chancellor Merkel, Vice Chancellor Scholz, Berlin’s ruling mayor Müller, Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, a resolution was passed Tuesday morning. for the federal state meeting in the afternoon. The objective continues: Reduce the incidence of seven days below 50.

According to the draft resolution, these measures are emerging so far: The lockdown, which was previously limited to January 31, will run for two weeks until February 15 with further adjustments. Until then, there should be a clearer picture of the spread of the Vitus mutation. Since this Tuesday, a regulation of the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), with which thousands of follow-up tests of corona positive tests for the mutation must be carried out with immediate effect, each laboratory receives 220 euros per sequencing.

Until then, a working group at the level of the head of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of state chancelleries and the Senate should also develop a “concept for a safe and fair opening strategy” that prevents the numbers from rising again.

A requirement for a CurfewFor example, as in Bavaria from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., it has been rejected by the SPD in particular and is not included in the draft resolution. However, the current wording of the draft resolution is provoking discussions (at 11:45 am): Under point 9, the federal states commit to align their measures so that an incidence below 50 can be “predicted” for Half of February. Countries can issue express curfews and Range of motion It will also be prescribed below an incidence of 200. Above all, the federal states led by the SPD reject the approval.

It should be mandatory to wear more effective masks.

Also to the applicable Contact restrictions nothing should change according to the template. The same applies as before: private meetings with members of your own household and with a maximum of one other person not living in the household are still allowed.

In addition, according to the proposed resolution, there should be an obligation to use medical masks in public transport and in stores, that is, FFP2 or the cheapest surgical masks.

[Mehr zum Thema: Schutzwirkung, Preis, Zertifizierung – wie man gute FFP-2-Masken erkennt und was sie kosten]

It should be reworked especially in the World of work and in ÖPNV give. A regulation with Home office obligation, “according to which employers must allow employees to work from home whenever possible, as long as the activities allow after their careful examination.”

Furthermore, employers should make medical masks available to their employees, in case they still have to come to the office or factory, and harmonize working hours. Here, however, we are not talking about an obligation, only a request.

I am traffic Increased frequency of buses and trains is intended to help reduce the number of passengers on transport by a third compared to the pre-Crown period.

schools it must remain “basically” closed until February 15th. Special rules may apply to graduating classes. The same applies to next. The Conference of Ministers of Family and Education should prepare to reopen nurseries from an incidence value below 50, to prepare alternate lessons for primary schools and distance lessons for later years.

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The situation in the Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes it is a template theme. The incidence has recently declined among the very old, but not as dramatically as in other age groups. So now an FFP2 mask for home staff is coming. Again, there is a need for quick tests for visitors and staff in case of high incidents in the region.

Because the reservation process is still very diffuse, and there is no stable database for the spread of the much more contagious British virus B.1.1.7 mutant. There, the decisions were again preceded by an expert discussion on Monday night, including with RKI chief Lothar Wieler, virologist Christian Drosten and Berlin traffic planner Kai Nagel.

Countries criticize the unilateral selection of scientists

Physicist Viola Priesemann from the Max Planck Institute was not invited again, who last time called for plans for a strict lockdown with a range of motion limitation to five kilometers for hot spots, which eventually became the infamous 15-kilometer crown belt. .

It was said that he treated the prime ministers “partly like kindergarten children.” In regional circles, the unilateral selection of scientists was criticized, Merkel wanted to create a threatening backdrop.

But this time too, with its rough course, it only penetrates in a limited way. Interesting: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder does not want any adjustments beyond the curfew already in place in Bavaria and the FFP2 mask requirement on buses, trains and shops.

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet’s think tank is also skeptical of the tightening. The fact that Merkel wanted to prevent Klaus Stöhr from joining caused disgust among the representatives of the countries.

Situation in Great Britain Harbinger of Germany?

Stöhr is a German virologist and epidemiologist who previously worked for the WHO. He believes that the measures in Germany should be adapted but not drastically toughened, because the parameter should be the situation in Germany and not the development of a mutation of the virus not yet clear in other countries.

But even without Stöhr in the group, it was clear to the audience that the situation was not comparable to that in Great Britain, where the mutation had already reached at least ten percent of cases by late autumn. In Germany, the values ​​assumed with caution are around 1 percent. Therefore, very hard blocking is not necessary, he said. The exchange with the experts on Monday night lasted almost three hours instead of one and a half.

The dilemma of the round: “Everything encounters a certain pandemic fatigue.” But it is also clear to Nagel: “Something has changed.” Although there is no clear picture of the B117 mutant due to lack of sequencing, Nagel has used simulations to extrapolate that if the virus only spreads one percent in Germany, it will be in the dominant form for two to three months. Since the mutant is much more contagious, 40 percent of the population would have to get vaccinated “just to get back to where we were last year.”
