Corona Summit: private meetings, travel, sick leave – the decisions


Germany Crown Summit Agreement

Private Meetings, Travel – An Overview of Corona Summit Decisions

| Reading time: 4 minutes

Chancellor Merkel’s appeals: no more private celebrations

To contain the corona pandemic, the federal and state governments are asking citizens to once again reduce their private contacts significantly. You should completely avoid private parties.

The Chancellor and Prime Ministers have agreed on an appeal: citizens are asked to significantly reduce their contacts. A longer term concept will be presented next week. Here you can find an overview of the resolutions.

secondChancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has announced a long-term crown concept for next week. On Wednesday of next week (November 25), the federal government and the prime minister should initiate resolutions that should also apply beyond the turn of the year, Merkel announced Monday evening after hours of consultation with the prime minister. However, a “multitude of issues” need to be addressed.

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At the Corona summit, Angela Merkel was told from various sides that her approach was not in order.

At the end of October, the federal and state governments had already imposed drastic restrictions on public and private life, which should initially apply until the end of November. The current meeting should serve as a kind of intermediate balance.

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According to Merkel, the prime ministers of the federal states prevented new mandatory restrictions on Monday due to the crisis in the crown. Most federal states were of the opinion that they would not make any “intermediate legal changes” before the current regulations expire at the end of November, Merkel said after Monday night deliberations in Berlin. On this subject, she had a slightly different opinion.

Analysis of the crown summit

Federal and state governments are working flat out to prepare mass vaccines against Covid-19

Merkel stressed that the infection situation had improved since the decisions made in October, but that no change in trend had been achieved. A value of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week is still a long way off. Therefore, people would have to restrict themselves further and avoid contacts as much as possible. Expressly formulated calls instead of concrete resolutions: the talks between Chancellor Merkel and the heads of state governments have been held as an intermediate step.

You can find an overview of the query results here:

Private meetings

Private meetings with acquaintances and relatives should be limited to “a permanent home”, this also applies to children and young people. Citizens must refrain from private celebrations.

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Citizens are encouraged to refrain from “unnecessary private trips and day trips” and to avoid public transportation as much as possible.

Telephone sick leave

People with respiratory illnesses should take the opportunity for their doctor to be on sick leave. They should also use them to clarify whether a test is required.

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Hotspot strategy

The hotspot strategy should take precedence over general restrictions. Above all, this means that in the case of crown outbreaks in a so-called group, for example, companies, religious communities, family celebrations, a quarantine should be quickly ordered for people belonging to this group, even if there is no further evidence. positive corona.

Protection of risk groups

Those at special risk will receive 15 discounted FFP2 masks starting in December to protect against coronavirus. This results in one mask per winter week. Exactly who will benefit remains to be clarified: in general, the elderly, the infirm or those with previous illnesses are particularly at risk. Visits to people in distress should only take place if everyone is free of symptoms of the disease and “has not been exposed to any particular risk” in the previous days, according to the appeal.

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While German citizens limited their enjoyment of exercise to the maximum in the spring of this year, the mobility momentum remained unshakeable in November.

People with respiratory problems are encouraged to stay home until symptoms have subsided and they recover.

Vaccination centers

The federal and state governments anticipate that there will likely be at least one approved vaccine in the first quarter of next year. Federal states must ensure that their vaccination centers and structures can become operational at short notice. By the end of November, federal states must notify the federal government how many vaccines they plan to receive per day.

Infection tracking

Since it is often not possible to fully follow up on contacts, measures such as quarantine should be ordered in case of outbreaks in a group, such as schools or companies, even without a positive test result.


Health authorities should use digital systems for contact tracking even more, and the corona warning app should be further improved.

Assessment and schools

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The decision on how to proceed in the schools was postponed. “At the next conference, the federal and state governments will discuss how the risk of infection in schools at critical points can be reduced,” said the decision. At the next conference on November 25, there should also be a perspective for the start of the new year. At this meeting there will certainly be changes to the law, Merkel said.
