Corona Summit: Merkel wants closure before April 18 and adjustment


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Corona: Merkel wants a stricter lockdown until April 18

The SPD countries aim to continue the blockade until April

The SPD countries are striving for the current crown lockdown to continue until April. This comes from the draft for the federal-state high-level consultations on Monday.

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Angela Merkel wants to extend the blockade according to a resolution; a curfew is also being discussed. More on the news blog.

  • The RKI reported significantly more cases on Sunday than a week ago.
  • On Monday, the country’s chiefs will speak with Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Corona summit.
  • Merkel wants to extend the blockade until April 18; a curfew is also being discussed
  • Markus Söder is in favor of the constant application of the “emergency brake” before the federal-state consultations
  • Experts warn of third corona wave: it could be the strongest yet
  • Research report points to danger posed by British mutation

Sedan. Under pressure from an ever-increasing number of corona infections, hopes for larger openings around Easter are waning. Instead, there could even be a further tightening of the blockade. What about a Resolution motion from the Foreign Ministry for tomorrow’s Corona summit, which is at the disposal of this editorial team.

Then could the Emergency shutdown It will be extended until April 18. In addition, a significant tightening is under discussion from a seven-day incidence of 100 and nine infections per 100,000 population. Exit restrictions and school and daycare closures may also be possible.

More about this: Proposal for a resolution for the Crown Summit: Easter closed

The countries led by the SPD previously submitted a draft “low touch vacation” in its own federal state with strict hygiene requirements and tests. This could be possible in apartments, holiday homes, caravans and mobile homes, with their own toilet and kitchen facilities.

Crown numbers: RKI reports an incidence of more than 100 for Germany

The so-called seven-day incidence in Germany has passed the 100 mark. Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced Sunday that the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents reported in a week was 103.9. The day before it had been 99.9.

German health authorities reported 13,733 new corona infections in one day. In addition, 99 new coronavirus-related deaths were reported in 24 hours. As of Sunday a week ago, there were still 10,790 new infections and 70 deaths recorded in one day.

Read about it: RKI reports corona case numbers and current incidence value

Crown – More information on the subject

Corona-News of March 21: EU Commissioner: Herd immunity in the EU is possible until mid-July

11.10 pm: In the EU, according to the opinion of the Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry breton Herd immunity against coronavirus can be achieved in mid-July. “The vaccines are coming, they will be there,” Breton said this Sunday on the French television channel TF1. Between March and June, the EU will deliver between 300 and 350 million doses of vaccines to member states.

The Commissioner for the Internal Market presented an increasing volume of Deliveries from 60 million doses in March to 100 million in April and 120 million in May. Corona vaccine is now manufactured in 55 plants in Europe.

Corona Vaccine – More about vaccines:

6,500 people celebrate Carnival in Marseille without authorization

9.41 pm: Around 6,500 people own one in the southern French port city of Marseille. unapproved carnival procession He participated. Many of them were not wearing protective masks, the AFP news agency reported Sunday night. The police described the incident as completely irresponsible. Therefore, officials intervened at night near the old port in the city center to break up the event. The city of Marseille did not initially react to the incidents, AFP reported.

In France, larger events are generally possible outdoors during the day if Corona’s safety rules are observed. Several thousand people demonstrated against racism and police violence in Paris and elsewhere on Saturday. France is badly affected by the corona pandemic, more than 92,000 people have died since the beginning.

Traveling in spite of Corona – More on the topic

Merkel wants closure by April 18 – closures under discussion

7:59 pm: The federal and state governments want the crown closed extend until April 18. This stems from the draft resolution of the Chancellery for tomorrow’s deliberations, which our editors have before us.

“The existing resolutions of the Federal Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states remain in force, unless this resolution establishes any deviation. The federal states will adapt their state ordinances accordingly and will extend them until April 18, 2021.” He says. .

Furthermore, a clear tightening of the incidence from an incidence of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is being discussed, but this is still in parentheses and therefore controversial. Therefore, there are still several open points that are under discussion:

  • Departure restrictions until 5 am (start still open)
  • A closure of schools and kindergartens, “if a weekly double crown test is not guaranteed for educators and teachers, as well as for all pupils and supervised children in attendance”
  • A school and daycare closure with a 7-day incidence of 200 or more
  • Rapid tests in enterprises are expanding rapidly

Söder calls for the constant application of the “emergency brake”

7:34 pm: Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder has spoken in favor of a consistent application of the “emergency brake” before federal and state consultations on the corona pandemic. “It is clear that incidences are increasing, and the dangers are relatively great that it will grow back in hospitals,” the CSU chief told the ARD program “Berlin Report.” “We are in a dangerous situation and we have to be careful that a third wave does not become permanent.”

Reopening now would mean you can use the third wave I have to fight. “What is very important to me is that we tighten the emergency brake,” said Söder. In some federal states, this is still handled relatively flexibly. “I think we should clearly agree on that tomorrow.”

Spahn’s husband’s employer sold masks to the Health Ministry.

7:03 pm: The Burda media group helped the federal government acquire the hygiene products last spring. Daniel Funke, husband of Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), also works for the company. Read here: Her husband’s employer helped Spahn get masks.

Researchers warn of a particularly strong third wave

6:25 pm: the third wave of the corona pandemic According to the researchers, it could be significantly higher than the second if other measures, such as rapid tests and masks, are not scaled up. The reason is the high transferability of the B.1.1.7 variant discovered in Great Britain. Unprotected contacts inside are contributing “drastically” to the infection process, writes a team led by mobility researcher Kai Nagel from the Technical University of Berlin in the Modus Covid report. Corona infections occurred mainly at home, during private visits, at work, and in schools.

The researchers use data from and around Berlin for their models. However, the results can be carried over to the whole of Germany, Nagel explained, referring to his studies in other cities. “Our simulations show that even with the January restrictions, the third wave will have higher incidences than the second,” the team writes.

The cushioning effect of the warmer season has already been taken into account. Even if 15 percent of citizens have at least one vaccine in mid-April, this is too low to offset the 35 to 70 percent increase in transmission caused by the new variant.

All previous corona news

6:21 pm: Corona’s new news blog starts here. You can read all the previous news here on our previous Corona news ticker.

(fmg / dpa / afp)

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