Corona Summit: harsh criticism in the media of the resolutions


TOThe hope of easing has turned into a sober look at new restrictions. The federal and state governments have decided on a short full shutdown over Easter weekend, which is already packed with holidays. Also, if possible, there should be no attendance at church services, a probation obligation for those returning to travel, and, in the case of incidents greater than 100, possibly even exit restrictions. The German-speaking media responded to the resolutions with scathing criticism and little understanding. An overview.

“Der Spiegel”: “Today is unforgivable”

“The real failure is not what was decided yesterday. The real failure is that German politics no longer had alternatives to closure. Because so much has gone wrong in recent months that easing was in fact no longer an option.

The current restrictions on freedoms would have been avoidable if politics had acted more consistently and decisively in the past. This applies to both disciplines of fighting pandemics. For the management of stops. And to obtain resources and their systematic use …

In March 2021, for example, the federal government is as helpless as in March 2020. At that time it was understandable, today it is unforgivable. “

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“FAZ”: “Are two rapid tests per week still a problem in Germany?”

“The extent of the confinement … is not mistakenly perceived as if Germany is stepping in place or turning in circles. This is not only due to the vaccination campaign, which does not want to move. Above all, it has to do with the fact that the tools to manage risk-laden contacts are still underdeveloped.

One symptom of this is the suggestion that schools and kindergartens can remain open only if they can be assessed twice a week. You wonder: are two rapid tests a week still a problem in Germany? Why? Just as symptomatic is the misery of the application that was already clear a year ago. The Corona app was and will be updated, unfortunately not with the crucial features and only now, after private initiatives like the Luca app have taken off. “

“Die Zeit”: “Simulated ability to act”

“In reality, however, the ability to act was simulated rather than actually demonstrated. There is, for example, the so-called Easter blockade: public life will be heavily restricted for five days, even supermarkets will close. It sounds martial, but considering that three days would have been a public holiday anyway and supermarkets may also open on the morning of Holy Saturday, unlike originally planned, the effect should still be manageable …

The alleged additional tightening for regions with high incidence values ​​also turns out to be a showcase on closer inspection. Originally, the group discussed clearly defined and binding curfews. Now it depends on the countries and districts if they want to use it and how.

What is meant by “strict contact restrictions” is also wide open. Instead, the state now forces passengers in the car who do not belong to their own home to wear a medical mask. However, this is a detail that really leaves the impression that something has been urgently sought here that can be tightened without causing too much resistance. “

“Taz”: “Close your eyes and pass”

“The fact that the heads of country imposed on Merkel with their line in the last meeting at the beginning of March, no longer falls below the threshold of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants: within seven days as a criterion for possible mitigation , is now taking revenge. It was also a mistake that the openings weren’t tied to a test concept. But instead of apologizing for their errors in judgment and correcting themselves, the prime ministers seem to want to move on.

This is particularly evident in the school sector. It was completely irresponsible to first reopen the schools and then come up with an assessment strategy that would make teaching safe. The Chancellery’s draft resolution now at least stipulates that in areas with a 7-day incidence of 100 new infections, schools and childcare facilities should be closed if a twice-weekly corona test is conducted for educators and teachers. as well as for everyone. pupils and children in care is not guaranteed. But this passage has been removed without replacement. The Prime Ministers also refused to accept the school closures targeted by the Foreign Ministry with an incidence of 200 or more in 7 days. Close your eyes and carry on, that’s obviously their motto.

“Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”: “Merkel’s defensive battle ends in an Easter bluff”

“’The precautionary team prevailed, in everything,’ CSU chief Markus Söder said proudly after the marathon summit. Well If you take the steep Corona curves and the assessment of the scientific and medical profession as your benchmarks, then the federal-state meeting has yielded very little.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s defensive battle against relaxation ended in a prolonged “Easter break.” Some speak of an ‘extreme blockade’, but one could also speak of an ‘Easter lantern’ “.

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Merkel and Söder

“NZZ”: “German crown policy is a disaster”

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime minister fought for twelve hours on Tuesday. Anyone who expected a great success after this night marathon was disappointed: the result of the conference is disgraceful …

With these resolutions, the government of Germany surrenders to the principles of reason. If until now you wanted to avoid hamster purchases and the crowds in supermarkets, now the opposite is happening: the closure of supermarkets at Easter forces citizens to replenish their supplies. You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the resulting overcrowding of stores on Holy Saturday. Is it still mindless planning or already deliberate bad planning? Either way, it lacks logic. “
