Corona Summit: federal government wants stricter contact regulations


In light of the continuing high number of corona infections, the federal government wants to toughen the requirements to fight pandemics again. Schools will remain open, but private parties are canceled. But countries are slowing down.

In the video conference between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime minister on Monday, the federal government will push for strict contact and quarantine restrictions that go beyond existing restrictions. This arises from the draft resolution for the virtual meeting. Fits that ARD capital study In front.

No private parties, less contacts

The newspaper says that children and young people should only be encouraged to meet a faithful friend in their spare time. Private gatherings with friends and acquaintances should generally only be limited to a permanent home.

According to the federal government, in the future you should only allow public gatherings with members of your own household and a maximum of two people from another household. Private celebrations should initially be avoided entirely until Christmas. Since November 2, only members of your own household and another household can be in public, but no more than ten people. In the future, you should go straight home to quarantine whenever you have a cold symptom, especially a cough and a runny nose.

Mask requirement in schools

In addition, measures in schools will be reinforced. The use of mouth and nose protection should be mandatory for students of all ages and for teachers on the school premises and during lessons. Without exception, there should also be fixed groups of students, reducing the size of the groups in the classrooms by half compared to normal operations.

In accordance with the federal government’s will to protect itself against the coronavirus, people at particular risk, such as the elderly and the infirm, should receive discounted FFP2 masks starting in December. To reduce the risk of contagion, the federal government will allow this population group to sell 15 of these masks for a small contribution, according to the draft resolution. Mathematically, this results in one mask per winter week. The federal government will bear the costs.

Countries apparently don’t want any adjustments yet

At this crown summit, however, the federal states apparently want to limit themselves to drawing a tentative conclusion on the November blockade: according to information from the dpa news agency, at Sunday’s preliminary meeting at the Chancellery, several countries asked to continue monitoring development and making powerful decisions. waiting. A decision on the “Crown winter calendar” will only be made when consultations resume on 23 November.

That’s what the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, said in Report from Berlin, for the “real consequences”, now, after two weeks, it is too early. Although the dynamics of new infections are slowing, the numbers are still too high. “One thing is clear: the numbers have to go down.” Dreyer did not rule out that contact restrictions could be tighter.

He also recalled why the focus is on limiting contacts in free time: “We do this so that our educational institutions can remain open.” The crown’s situation in schools and how it was handled recently sparked discussions. There could also be a dispute on this issue in the federal-state consultations. While the federal government wants to toughen the measures in schools, most federal states currently reject the changes.
