Corona summit at the Foreign Ministry is underway: GPs should start vaccinations before Easter – politics


In the Chancellery and connected state chancelleries, there is currently a violent struggle to find the right course between caution against mutant viruses and daring to relax.

Since the speed of vaccination is crucial to regain old freedoms more quickly, it was first decided that the corona vaccine should be administered in doctors’ offices from the end of March – beginning of April.

The sequence of vaccinations could also be weakened, since family doctors, for example, can better decide who should be vaccinated knowing the clinical picture.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had recently stressed internally that there would be 60,000 general practitioners in Germany; if more doses are now available, the rate could accelerate significantly.

It is clear to everyone involved: it is increasingly important to secure vacancies (in addition to the massive use of rapid tests) that more people are protected quickly.

There was new hope here during the deliberations: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) assumes that the Astrazeneca vaccine can also be given to older people in Germany in the future. In negotiations between the federal state and the state, he was very confident that the vaccine would be approved for people over 65, as he had good new data from Scotland and England. He awaits a short-term decision from the Permanent Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) on the matter.

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However, with a view to the cautious initial steps envisaged, it had already been demonstrated beforehand: Angela Merkel’s Corona course is under increasing pressure, priorities are changing: ahead of the summit that started on Wednesday afternoon, there was no expert discussion. with virologists in the face of a federal-state change but with the economy. There were all the central associations and unions, from the BDI to the DGB, through the union and the DIHK. And there has been great discontent for days.

The incidence value of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, which Merkel believes initially should remain the basic basis for further attenuation, is also trembling. Especially since more infected people can be found with the planned rapid mass tests and the values ​​can increase accordingly.

The draft resolution has been submitted to the Tagesspiegel, and it offers surprises that reveal Merkel’s leniency: the federal and state governments want to continue extending the blockade until March 28. But now there are a few more relaxes compared to the first squad of the day before: Starting with an incidence value of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, you can make things easier for trade. and a little later for outdoor catering.

But during subsequent negotiations, several federal states lobbied to allow tourism at least in campsites or vacation apartments from March 22.

Internally, in the face of the step-by-step plan that lies on the negotiating table, there is talk of a bureaucratic monster. In regional circles it is also described as “difficult” that there is currently no prospect for indoor hospitality, culture and restaurant tourism; this should be postponed until the next planned federal-state change on March 22.

These are the most important points of the template for the Corona summit:

  • the Contact restrictions will relax from next week, meetings of two households, with up to five people, should be possible again.
  • The incidence is stable less than 100, a federal state can start on March 8 Retail for so-called shopping by appointment (“click and meet”) open. In principle, however, it continues to apply that the opening should only be opened in seven days from an incidence of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, there is a limitation of one customer for every 10 square meters to 800 square meters of sales area.
  • The incidence is stable less than 100, a federal state can also open as of March 8 Museums, galleries, zoological and botanical gardens start, but also only with individual time windows.
  • In the same way you can Individual sport alone or in pairs and Exercise in groups of up to ten children up to 14 years old outdoors as of March 8, if the incidence remains stable below 100.
  • Flower shops, bookstores and garden centers it should still be allowed to open as of March 8. The per-customer limit is being handled a bit more generously than previously planned.
  • If the incident below 100 for two more weeks after the retail store opens can Outdoor catering open again from March 22 at the earliest under strict conditions, especially with regard to the number of people. However, if people from multiple households sit at the same table, “a daily updated COVID-19 rapid test or guest self-test is required.”
  • Similarly, it can also be opened from Theaters, concert and opera houses and cinemas come, as well as non-contact indoor sports, for example Fitness studies: with an incidence of less than 100 as in the restaurant sector, but only with the presentation of rapid tests or crown self-tests updated daily.
  • General openings for open-air restaurants, theaters, opera and concert theaters, cinemas and gyms are only possible if the incidence has been stable below 35 for two weeks. Even that from March 22 at the earliest.
  • Additional openings are only then again 14 days later possible, as long as the infection process remains stable. So from April 5 at the earliest. So that could only be the case after Easter. Then can Leisure events take place again in the outdoor area with up to 50 participants.
  • TO “Emergency break”. The incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants increases to three consecutive days to more than 100, the rules in force until March 7 come back into effect from the second business day after, that is, more stringent contact restrictions and possible renewed closings. So, however, the trade should be able to open again, even if the incidence is still between 35 and 100, but with the described requirements of one customer per 10 square meters, from 800 square meters of sales area, one customer per every 20 square meters. meters.
  • An opening perspective is not offered for indoor gastronomy, culture, events, travel and hotels, in light of the infection situation, taking into account the testing strategy, vaccination, spread of mutant viruses and other factors influencing the next Chancellor’s meeting. with the heads of government – the heads of the countries are advised “.
  • This means that an Easter holiday in Germany is not possible, but trips to Mallorca with a negative Corona-PCR-Test are.

A rather complicated solution, and several federal states would like to replace Merkel’s incidence limit of 35 with the limit of 50 immediately, which would allow for greater flexibility even sooner.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had announced an opening matrix beforehand; An array is commonly understood as the arrangement of numerical values. And this time it’s so complex that even Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) asked his people to show him the first steps on a chart.

The new beginning is, so to speak, large openings: under 35, small, very careful: less than 100, so as not to run uncontrollably in a third wave due to mutants of the virus.

Sometimes it is surprising what appears in such templates, so initially there was an opening perspective to “Battles of material arts indoors and especially cages”if all fighters can show negative Covid-19 rapid test. While the wait continues that threatens the existence of those who work in culture. The passage had been incorporated into a joke by Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) after hints of the importance of this activity in Berlin and later broadcast as a new draft, it was said from government circles. You flew again, but it remains that next to the driving schools also flight schools from March 8 reopen with negative customer tests.

The trade was deeply disappointed with the plans.. In a letter addressed to the director of the Chancellery, Helge Braun (CDU), the president of HDE, Josef Sanktjohanser, and the director general of HDE, Stefan Genth, they expressed the great disappointment of the retail sector. Shopping is proven not to be a source of infection. Approving purchases by appointment only could not save most retailers financially. “Stores should be allowed to reopen on March 8.”

The “safe and fair opening strategy that was originally promised for February 10 and then March 3 is not yet in effect.”

To ensure prudent openings, a national rapid test concept should be in place by early April; Health Minister Spahn had originally promised this by early March.

These are the essential points of the rapid test concept:

  • Everybody will a free quick trial at least once a week including a certificate of the test result “made possible in a test center operated by the respective municipality, with third parties commissioned by the respective municipality or with resident doctors,” it says in the newspaper. The federal government will bear the costs.
  • Chancellor Merkel had admitted internally that there was a Lack of rapid tests in Germany, the previous communication spoke of up to two free rapid tests per citizen per week.
  • the The mandatory quick test for companies has been lifted, now it is just a call. Now he says: “For comprehensive protection against infections, companies in Germany, as a contribution to society as a whole, need to offer their attending employees at least one free quick test per week.”
  • There are massive ones in government circles. Disgust especially for Health Minister Spahn, because the rapid tests that have been obtained so far will not get you very far. According to Spahn’s ministry, they are in contact with companies “to secure contingents of up to 208 million self-tests.” Discussions for similar agreements were underway with other potential self-assessment providers. ”
  • The great hope is that Self-assessments offered everywhere from mid-March the former have just been admitted.

Spahn was also in the change with the economy. The Health Minister is under closer observation after hasty announcements, broken promises and the donation dinner before his corona infection. Before that, he had another change at night. With representatives from Johnson & Johnson, the company has requested approval of a fourth vaccine to protect against Covid-19.

“After approval, the vaccine could soon be used in Germany,” his ministry tweeted hopefully about a photo of Spahn in front of the screen. At 10:30 pm a message arrived from the White House. The vaccine is already approved in the US Johnson & Johnson, the drug company Merck and the government are building mass production together. “We have enough vaccines with that for all Americans by the end of May, two months earlier than expected. “
Note: this text is continually updated.
