Corona Stream: RKI reports 8007 new infections – politics


According to a survey, there are clear reservations among a large number of citizens in Germany against the restriction of freedom rights in the pandemic and against corona vaccination. A third rejects usurpations of civil liberties to combat pandemics “rather” or “completely”. And 34 percent do not want to be vaccinated, as shown by the representative survey published this Wednesday by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

For the survey, the Norstat Institute surveyed more than 1000 adults at the end of 2020. According to the Foundation in Gütersloh, the negative attitude towards vaccines and restrictions on freedom among people particularly oriented to performance and success is above the average (46 percent). In contrast, around 80 percent of people with a humanistic character, for whom values ​​such as justice and tolerance are particularly important, support the priority of protecting life and restrictions related to the pandemic. The crisis of the crown exacerbates the conflicts of values ​​that were already latent, said Yasemin El-Menouar, co-author of the study “Between Individual Freedom and the Common Good.”

However, around 45 percent of those surveyed were convinced that the crisis could also have positive effects, with a view to climate protection and social interaction. And 82 percent agreed that the pandemic was demonstrating the need for profound change in society.

Politicians should make it clear that individual freedoms and the will to act remain of decisive importance to society, summarizes El-Menouar. And that the restrictive measures are limited in time and pursue the objective of being able “to lead a free and self-determined life as soon as possible.”

RKI reports 8007 new infections

Health authorities reported 8007 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 422 additional deaths were recorded in 24 hours. That comes from the RKI numbers on Wednesday. Exactly a week ago, the institute had recorded 7,556 new infections and 560 new deaths in one day. The data reflects the status of the RKI dashboard at 3:10 am, subsequent changes or additions are possible.

According to the RKI, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants reported in seven days (seven-day incidence) was 59.3 nationwide on Wednesday morning and therefore lower than the previous day (60 ,5). Four weeks ago, on January 27, the incidence had been 101.0.

The seven-day R-value nationwide was 0.98 (previous day 1.05) according to RKI’s management report on Tuesday night. This means that 100 infected people infect 98 more people. The value represents the appearance of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

Rejected vaccination dose: Berlin social senator wants to vaccinate homeless people

Berlin Social Senator Elke Breitenbach (left) wants to vaccinate the roughly 3,000 homeless people in the city’s emergency shelters with the leftover doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine. “In the current situation, it is unacceptable that the vaccination doses are lying around unused,” he told the newspapers of the Funke media group. Therefore, it is correct that a new prioritization is discussed.

Breitenbach stressed that those who don’t have a noisy lobby should not be forgotten. The homeless are a particularly vulnerable group. In winter, many of them found refuge in an emergency shelter. The opportunity is therefore favorable: “We could and should now offer all homeless people in emergency shelters a vaccination offer as soon as possible.” The senator wants to start vaccines next week and hopes other federal states will follow suit. Due to their accommodation in collective accommodation and an increased risk of infection, the homeless have so far been grouped into priority level two. However, due to the decision to bring teachers and educators, your vaccination could be delayed.

The president of the Permanent Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) also advocates for adequate solutions for leftover vaccines. In practice, it is often difficult to identify and get to the next one in the vaccination sequence. “There should definitely be lists here at all the vaccination centers that determine who has a shift,” Mertens told Funke newspapers. So that no vaccine is ruled out, suitable candidates from the following priority groups may also be preferred. This must be regulated pragmatically on the spot.

Lindner calls for an end to the lockdown and rapid tests

FDP leader Christian Lindner calls for an end to strict national restrictions. “The blockade in the whole area has to end. It is too acute a violation of fundamental rights,” Lindner wrote in a guest post for picture according to the preliminary report. The more tests, vaccines and regional differences there are, the less the value of seven days of 35 or 50 says something. In future, you will have to analyze each region individually and orient yourself, for example, on the number of new infections and the situation in the hospitals. Lindner also called for an improvement to the Corona warning app. This should be supplemented with a free 24-hour pass after a negative rapid test. “So restaurant visits are possible.”

The FPD intends to submit a corresponding application for a rapid test based on the Austrian model to the Bundestag this week. The goal is for manufacturers to confirm through “simple, non-bureaucratic self-commitment that a corresponding level of safety and performance is achieved when used themselves and that functionality and fitness for purpose are guaranteed,” said Andrew Ullmann. , member of the FDP of the German press agency. However, an approval procedure must be carried out.

Doctors want fans to enter the football stadium for study purposes

Leading intensive care physicians want to allow fans to get back into soccer stadiums under studio conditions and gain insight into the spread of the crown at major events. “There is still no valid data on the risk of infection” in such events, said Christian Karagiannidis, president of the German Society for Internal Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Rheinische Mail (Wednesday). Stadiums would be ideal for tryouts.

Specifically, it proposes that half of the seats be released under strict study conditions and hygiene concepts. People with elevated temperature or a positive corona test should be excluded beforehand. The fans would then be divided into different blocks. “One block of seats receives FFP2 masks everywhere, another block the somewhat simpler oral and nasal medical protection”, suggests the doctor from the Cologne-Merheim Pulmonary Clinic. After three days, another crown test was performed on all spectators. “These results show how many people with a negative rapid test were nevertheless corona-positive, how many only showed an infection after the game and how many could have been infected at the stadium.”

Under the doctor’s proposal, the study will be financed by the German Football Association, which has “sufficient funds” and is interested in “letting spectators into stadiums as soon as possible.”

“Not worthy of a high-tech nation”: Bitkom criticizes administration of vaccination

The Bitkom digital economy industry association is unhappy with the federal states’ vaccination management. Appointment management has not proven itself. “That is not worthy of a high-tech nation,” says Bitkom boss Achim Berg. According to two surveys by the association, a large proportion of German citizens are dissatisfied with the start of corona vaccines.

The polls also showed a glimmer of hope: The general willingness to vaccinate is currently 75 percent higher than in comparable previous surveys. The ARD Germany trend from the end of January reached a similar result.

However, according to Bitkom, vaccine scheduling in particular doesn’t work well in many places. Consequently, the process leading to a vaccination appointment only ran smoothly for just over 10 percent of those surveyed. More than 80 percent of respondents who wanted to make a vaccination appointment for themselves or others had problems or failed completely. Nearly 30 percent of those for whom the deal didn’t work out immediately said they even needed more than 50 calls for it to finally work.

Unsurprisingly, Bitkom boss Achim Berg advertised the private sector. According to him, there are particular problems when using health insurance technology for registration. In Berlin, where the Doctolib platform is used, or in Schleswig-Holstein, where the eventim concert promoter takes over the process, the award works much better.

Berg called for more centralization and digitization: “We cannot prevent the spread of the corona virus with overloaded faxes, pencils, and emergency phone lines, but with data platforms, a uniform nationwide digital organization of vaccination appointments and a warning app for crown, whose potential is better exploited. “

According to the survey, more than one in two (56 percent) would like to see the federal corona warning app expanded to include a digital vaccination pass. Said vaccination pass, which is intended to complement the yellow paper passport, is scheduled for 2022. By Max Muth
