Corona strategy: Seibert dampens hopes of easing


Germany After Merkel’s advance

Seibert extinguishes hopes of easing: “Good development is over”

“The good development is over at this time”

Chancellor Merkel apparently wants to open the shutdown with a multi-stage plan. However, the renewed increase in the number of infections is cause for concern. See the federal government press conference on the current situation in Corona here.

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Chancellor Angela Merkel defines three areas where more freedom should soon arrive and sees a “longing for openings.” But government spokesman Steffen Seibert corrected these statements a little later.

KAngela Merkel (CDU) has again advocated a cautious strategy for possible openings in light of concerns of a third crown wave. The initial steps would have to be introduced wisely alongside increased testing, Merkel said Monday, according to participants in the CDU presidium’s online deliberations. Citizens long for an open strategy, you understand.

Merkel made clear that she saw three areas for which opening strategy packages needed to be put together. On the one hand it is about the area of ​​personal contacts, on the other it is about schools and professional schools as well as a third package with sports groups, restaurants and culture. The goal is to put packages together to make openness possible and then adapt, he said.

Starting this Tuesday, according to this information, a working group will meet with Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) and the heads of the state chancelleries of the federal states on the issue of openings. The next Prime Minister’s Conference with the Chancellor is in preparation, scheduled for March 3. The goal is then to present plans for possible initial steps. Braun said that according to information from participants in the CDU presidium, mutations of the corona virus sadly destroyed the good development in Germany.

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The presidium also discussed the possibility of how family and company doctors might be involved in vaccines, he said. Health Minister Jens Spahn has made clear this only makes sense if, as with flu vaccination, you have three to five million doses of vaccine available per week. In general, however, cost-taking by the federal government, which is scheduled for March 1, could help with corona testing. He made it clear that there will be the first self-test approvals starting next week.

Government spokesman asks for patience with mutations

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert snuffed out hopes of a quick opening Monday afternoon. “The good evolution that has brought us the number of infections that fall every day for a long period has ended for the moment. The numbers are increasing again. ” The proportion of the British virus variant is 20 to 25 percent. It must be assumed that this proportion will continue to increase. This must be taken into account with “careful opening steps”.

Seibert asked for patience. As a result of the partial opening of schools in most of the federal states this Monday, there is “a considerable increase in contacts and therefore also in transmission risks.” Nobody wants to recover vacancies. “What we open, we want to keep.” But now it is important to first look very carefully to what extent school openings cause changes in the infection rate.

The new infections curve was presented for the fourth day in a row on Sunday, despite the lockdown that has been in place since mid-December. On Monday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported little changes: in one day the health authorities reported 4,369 new infections, a week ago there were 4,426. At the same time, however, the number of new infections reported within seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) continued to rise, to 61.0 nationwide. The day before it was still at 60.2.
