Corona: “Spahn defines special rights for himself in an idiosyncratic way”


Germany Delikates dinner

“Jens Spahn defines special rights for himself in a very idiosyncratic way”

Jens Spahn is under pressure

A dinner at which Jens Spahn met with a dozen businessmen in Leipzig raises questions. A day after eating, Spahn tested positive for Corona.

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The Federal Minister of Health has been on the defensive for days over his crisis management, and now over his participation in a private dinner. This has also faced severe criticism from his own party.

mer is at the center of the pandemic like no German politician except the Chancellor: the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU). And it is under increasing pressure.

Initially, the slow start of vaccination in Germany was harshly criticized compared to other countries. Then it was his seemingly shaky promise – and charged by the Chancellor – of free rapid tests starting on March 1 that prompted a nod.

And now Spahn has to justify his participation in a dinner with several participants shortly before a positive result from Corona in October.

Jens Spahn defends participation in donation dinner

Jens Spahn participated in a dinner with several people the day before he himself received a positive Corona test result in October of last year. You are now advocating for this step.

“I would have deeply regretted having infected someone without knowing it. That did not happen, probably also due to the precautionary measures, ”said Spahn“ Bild am Sonntag ”.

“Spiegel” reported that Spahn had attended a dinner with a dozen businessmen in Leipzig on October 20. According to one participant, several guests should have donated a large sum of money to the CDU during the dinner.

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In the morning, Spahn had touched on the dangers of socializing in the pandemic at ZDF. Spahn said literally: “Above all, we know where the main infection points are. That is, when partying, socializing, at home in private or at the event, at the party in the club. On October 21, Spahn tested positive for the virus in the afternoon.

FDP – Deliberate and harmful behavior

FDP Secretary General Volker Wissing criticized in “Bild am Sonntag” (“BamS”): “The care that the health minister expects from people when complying with the rules seems to have been completely lost to him personally. While we are all locked up, Jens Spahn defines special rights for him personally in a very idiosyncratic and damaging way. ”

Britta Haßelmann, the Greens’ first parliamentary director in the Bundestag, accused Spahn of having lost her compass. “There is a lack of sensitivity when he participates in a donation dinner for him in the evening, while, as health minister, he urges citizens to be careful,” the Greens said.

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The vice-chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Dirk Wiese, told WELT: “I think that the construction of the so-called dinner is very questionable. With this Spahn Cause after Amthor, Guttenberg and Nüsslein, I am no longer surprised by the vehemence with which the Union has been fighting greater transparency in additional revenue in recent weeks. In any case, the health minister provides 9,999 additional arguments to finally implement stricter transparency rules and a lobby registry. ”

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Spahn’s actions were also criticized in his own party. For a long time, there has been considerable discontent with the health minister in the economic wing of the CDU, as WELT learned. “A lot has gone wrong with Jens Spahn in the last few months,” he said.

Meanwhile, after months of lockdown, the majority of German citizens are in favor of the vacancies. In an Insa poll for “Bild am Sonntag”, 75 percent defended the opening of retail stores in March, only 17 percent were against.

“I have employees who worked a total of 16 hours a year”

A year ago, the first event was officially banned due to the corona virus. Since then he has been quiet in the clubs and concert halls of Germany. The #AlarmstufeRot initiative drew attention to the state of the industry in Berlin.

54 percent of respondents want restaurants and bars to reopen soon, 64 percent are in favor of schools and daycare centers reopening completely. Hotels, salons and museums also have more supporters than opponents.
