Corona: Söder wants nationwide mask requirements from infection mark 35 – politics


CSU chief Markus Söder (53, CSU) calls for a nationwide mask requirement for regions with high crown numbers.

“We need a general mask requirement at the national level. The mask is a small means with a great effect, the mask is the last means of prevention, “said the Bavarian prime minister before a virtual meeting of the party board in Nuremberg.

With more than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, a mask requirement should be applied in schools, in crowded public places and also at work, if minimum distances cannot be observed, the prime minister said on Monday. Bavaro before changing the CSU board. in Nuremberg.

“The situation is serious and is getting worse every day. Make no mistake: Corona has hit the whole of Europe, ”Söder warned.

So far, Germany has managed without a blockade compared to other countries. For this to remain so, “serious community action” should be taken, Söder explained his demand for a nationwide mask requirement.

Therefore, “clear uniform rules in Germany” are needed, according to the CSU politician.

The prime ministers of the federal states had recently reached an agreement with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on a step-by-step expansion of the mask requirement at corona hotspots. According to this, at the latest with an incidence of seven days out of 35 “a supplementary mask requirement should be introduced in public areas where people gather closer and / or longer”.

With a value of 50, the mask requirement should be extended again. However, where and how exactly the decision was left open, that must be regulated by the federal states.
