Corona: Söder today with stricter rules? First leaked measure: Munich could soon be affected


In Munich, the coronavirus numbers continue to rise rapidly. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) made a government statement on Wednesday (October 21): Is Munich threatened with stricter rules?

  • In Munich, the incidence of 7 days continues to increase considerably.
  • Prime Minister Markus Söder has announced a government statement for Wednesday (October 21).
  • It is unclear if more regulations against the corona virus will be announced.

Update, 12:50 pm: In ten minutes, the head of CSU wants to speak about the coronavirus pandemic as part of a government statement. We accompany the declaration here both through the Live streaming and live ticker.

Update October 21 at 11:50 am.: In just under an hour, at 1:00 p.m., the declaration of the government of Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is scheduled. It’s about that Strategy to combat coronavirus. A new regulation has already been leaked, which may also affect the city Munich could affect in the future (see below in the text).

We report live and in full from 1:00 p.m. of the state parliament in Munich.

Coronavirus: Söder Issues Government Statement: New Regulation Leaked?

First report of October 21, 2020

Munich – In view of the growing crown number in Bavaria, I want Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) Wednesday (1 pm) one Government statement in state parliament Send. The focus is on the other Strategy in the fight against the virus. Söder also reportedly wants to appeal to the responsibility and common sense of each individual to accompany him, be extremely careful and apply Anti-crown measures strictly to be observed.

Coronavirus in Munich: is the city threatened with a scenario like Berchtesgaden?

Bavaria is now generally above what is nationally agreed Warning value of 50: The State Office of Health and Food Safety (LGL) reported exactly 51.72 infected people per 100,000 residents within seven days of Tuesday. The national favorite was Berchtesgadener Land District. The first ones are valid from Tuesday at 2 pm Exit restrictions in the Free State as Emergency shutdown in the spring. You can only leave your own apartment for good reasons. Schools, nurseries, restaurants and leisure facilities of all kinds had to close. The drastic cuts will initially apply until November 2.

Corona in Munich: the numbers continue to rise: incidence reaches a record

In Munich she was 7-day incidence recently increased considerably. Yesterday Tuesday (October 20) was the Value at 72.8. and therefore it is the highest measured so far. A week ago it was 53.7. From the value of 50 apply automatically stricter rules, for example, a curfew for restaurants starting at 10 pm

Corona: Does Söder decide on a new regulation? Munich could soon be affected

Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) put out a new one Crown limit value with additional restrictions under consideration. At a meeting of the CSU parliamentary group on Wednesday, it named a new limit of, according to information from the German press agency 100 new infections per 100,000 population within seven days. You have to start with this value other measures to considerTo provide guidelines, Söder said according to the participants. the City of munich with a trend similar to recent days, it would quickly reach the 100 mark arrived.

Rubric List List: © Sven Hoppe
