Corona: Söder allowed to come out of quarantine again – two points made the difference


New corona infections in Munich are still at a high level. Markus Söder has to be temporarily quarantined and the virus mutation is a big problem.

  • The crown situation in Munich remains tense despite closure rules and the curfew.
  • While the Munich police crack down on the weekend and several Corona parties in Munich storms, Prime Minister Markus Söder must be temporarily quarantined.
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Update December 22, 4:14 pm: Prime Minister Markus Söder is currently stating in another Twitter message: “After the responsible health department has verified, I am not one Contact person 1 and therefore does not have to be in quarantine“.

But not “contact person 1”: Söder can come out of the corona quarantine again

However, as a precaution, he still manages his official business for the time being. Home OfficeSöder said. A first Crown test gave a negative result. Finally, the CSU politician thanks “all the good wishes.”

Background for that The end the Quarantine obligation After just one day, there are two factors that the health department determined according to the state chancellery: Söder had during the conversation with his head of the state chancellery that he was found to be infected with corona. Florian Herrmann (CSU) the Distance rules adhered, and at the same time be that office at State Chancellery with a Ventilation system been equipped. Therefore, Söder is not “contact person 1” and does not necessarily have to be quarantined.

Update December 22, 3:01 pm: Family and vacation returnees Risk areas I am foreign countries I need to focus on that Coronavirus Get tested before re-entering Bavaria. You must contact the competent authority no later than 72 hours after entry Health Department send a test result, this has the bavarian on tuesday cabinet in Munich decided. The measure does not apply to risk areas within Germany.

Corona: Bavaria introduces mandatory tests for returnees from risk areas abroad

However, corona tests can also be submitted which are included in the foreign countries were made. However, the test cannot be longer than 48 hours.

In a tweet of his “quarantine-Values ​​” Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder Clean the holidays it should not become a risk. Anyone entering Bavaria must present a negative test or immediately for the test ”.

Quarantine crown appeal: Söder warns against traveling to risky areas

In this context, Söder refers to the test centers in the Airports and municipal institutions. “The security is the top priority. There will also be controls. It is best not to travel to risk areas at all. That way, everyone is better protected, ”said the CSU politician.

Update December 22, 12:42 pm: Also about Christmas apply in Bayern tight Crown rules. the policeman is preparing for numerous Control S before – and you already have an important one You’re welcome to the population.

Update December 22, 10.16 am.: In spite of the quarantine by the prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) the Cabinet is analyzing the current situation again today Corona-Lage in Bavaria. Attention should be focused on the expected start of December 27. Vaccinations oppose the virus.

Corona: Söder’s quarantine has the first consequences – press conference canceled

The first consequence of unknown government work: due to Söder’s quarantine, the planned Press conference canceled after the meeting.

Update December 22, 10:04 am: Virologist Christian Drosten it’s about him Crown-mutation “B.1.1.7” concerning. The Merciless Twitter-Analysis of the specialist: “Unfortunately that does not look good.”

Drosten on the crown mutation: “Until now, only in areas where the overall incidence was high”

The background to Drosten’s words is a reassessment of the UK Health Authority. This showed that the virus mutation is significantly more contagious than previously produced variants. It is still premature to throw the gun to the point, warns the virologist in his article: “It is positive that cases with the mutant have only increased in areas where the Total incidence it was high or rising. Contact reduction therefore, it also acts against the spread of the mutant. “

Update December 22, 10:01 am: Four public holidays in one piece and only a few shops open: long snakes form Supermarkets and Delis the city. Even the Christmas trees it will be scarce this year. We look around the city.

Update December 22, 8:33 am: the 7 day incidence by Munich it has sunk again. Today is 273.4. At least good news.

Did the Corona mutation come to Bavaria? LGL spokesperson comments

Update December 21, 6.45 pm.: In Bayern not yet a case of infection with the Britain new Coronavirus variants known. A spokesman for the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) said in Erlangen on Monday. But he also pointed out that those used for virus detection PCR tests not according to different Virus mutations distinguish. “This requires separate sequencing,” he emphasized.

Update December 21, 4:46 pm: Munich Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) I was still on tour with Söder today. The two politicians visited him together Vaccination center in Munich (see original report) and then took a position at a press conference. You must now also mount on quarantine? No. The SPD man is saved.

During their meeting, Söder and Reiter brought FFP2 masks, also celebrated the Safety distance one another. Therefore, Reiter is considered to be “Contact person a contact person “, therefore, does not have to be quarantined. Due to the Corona infection The 62-year-old had his mother’s experience in December.

Update December 21, 2:33 pm: Markus Söder (CSU) just announced on Twitter that he must be quarantined immediately and continue his official business digitally. “As contact person 1, I immediately went into quarantine.”

CSU minister infected with corona virus: Söder has to be quarantined for Christmas

It’s a reply to tweet from Florian Herrmann (CSU). The Chancellor and Minister of State of Söders was positive today Crown tried. Herrmann: “Today I tested positive for Corona. Under the circumstances, I am fine. I immediately went to quarantine. All contact persons 1 will be informed immediately.”

Munich, December 21, 2:03 p.m.: The Corona numbers in Munich they remain worryingly high. This still doesn’t seem to impress some fans of the party. At night Sunday (December 20) have the Munich Police three parties ended rudely. Two in Schwabing, one in Forstenried.

Munich: Corona incidence on Sunday more than 300 – still the party is exuberant

All in all 32 guests to the party they were reported for violations of the Ordinance for protection against infections. There is a risk of severe fines. The 7-day incidence surpassed the 300 mark on Sunday. Today, the incidence is again just below it, which is also due to the traditionally underreported Infection numbers A.M Weekend I like having to do.

Especially after the news about Britain’s mutated virus, which seems terribly close upon landing at Munich airport, everyone is even more hopeful about the vaccine. Appropriately visited Mayor of Munich, Dieter Reiter and Prime Minister Markus Söder the finished Vaccination center at the fairgrounds. According to both of them, it can start practically immediately, as soon as a vaccine is available.

The new crown vaccination center in Munich on the fairgrounds.

© Tobias Hase / dpa

Survey: How is the corona pandemic living?

How is your well-being, your social contacts, your work situation changing? in a large-scale study The non-profit research institute ISDC wants to find out what the pandemic means to us socially, psychologically and economically. You, dear readers, can participate in this survey and win: the ISDC will be raffled off among all participants in December. ten shopping vouchers worth 50 euros each. The survey takes about 15 minutes. All data will be treated confidentially. Upon completion of the study, we will report on the results for the different districts and districts.
Participation is only possible online at the link:
The International Center for Security and Development (ISDC) in Berlin has been dealing with the effects of crises in different countries and regions on the population for years. The institute conducts research in developing countries, but also investigates the consequences of 9/11 terrorism. Now scientists are particularly interested in the effects that different life situations, for example in the big city or in the countryside, have on how people cope with the pandemic. Please, dear readers, help to find out more about it!

Rubric List List: © Henning Schacht
