Corona: Schools, business openings, “contact restriction” – what Merkel plans


Dagainst the spread of the crown pandemic in Germany Contact restrictions basically it should be up at least on May 3 to be extended Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states agreed to this in Berlin on Wednesday, as the German press agency learned from the participants. At the same time, they agreed to carefully relax restrictions on daily life.

So you do business with one Sales area of ​​up to 800 square meters. under conditions since Monday allowed to open again. Thereafter, federal states could reopen these stores subject to hygiene, access control, and skip the line.

According to WELT information, the federal and state governments have already agreed Important events ban until August 31, 2020. Federal states must establish specific regulations, such as the size of events.

Regardless of the commercial space, according to the proposed resolution Car dealers, bicycle dealers and bookstores Also open again from Monday. Cultural institutions like Libraries and archives, as well as zoological and botanical gardens. You can open again. Among those service providers where physical closeness is essential, “first of all Hairdressers get ready for it“Under certain conditions and” resuming operation on May 4 with personal protective equipment. “This is evident from a resolution by the Crown Cabinet for discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers, who was presented to the dpa news agency and Reuters on Wednesday afternoon. Restaurants, bars and pubs. it should be basically like before closed stay

Meetings in Churches, mosques and synagogues. as well as religious celebrations and events, as well as meetings of other religious communities, should be based on the ideas of the federal government. stay forbidden. Hotels must continue “only for what is necessary and express not tourist purposes They’re available “.

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Leopoldin Suggestions

He School operations in Germany it should start on May 4 with the Graduation classes, the classes that will take the exams next year and the the best elementary classes to be resumed The next exams are possible in advance. The federal and state governments agreed to this on Wednesday, as the German Press Agency and “Spiegel” discovered.

In a draft resolution for the operation of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with Prime Ministers, it was said that the Länder Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) April 29 to present a concept, “well Lessons under special hygiene and protection measures., especially considering the distance requirement due to the reduction in the size of the learning groups, it can be taken up in general “.

In addition to lessons, breaks and school bus operations must also be considered. “Every school needs a hygiene plan.” School authorities must create hygienic conditions on site and ensure them permanently.

He Emergency care in nurseries. it will be expanded to other professional and needs groups, it says in the decision document. This should make it special Parents in key economic areas A return to daily work.

Additional time in intensive capacity development

The resolution proposed by the federal government was discussed with the Prime Ministers in the Chancellor’s videoconference from 2 p.m. From a federal perspective, it was emphasized that a coordinated approach is important in case of gradual openings in the school area.

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Plans meet resistance in trade

When it came to trading, gradual opening plans met resistance. The managing director of the German Trade Association (HDE), Stefan Genth, described it in an email to Merkel as “inappropriate and not scientifically sound”. Uniform and non-discriminatory requirements are necessary for the entire retail sector. Stores can meet and implement hygiene standards and other measures. Especially in large-scale business, it’s much easier to keep your distance, for example.

Border controls must continue

According to the will of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the controls at the German borders introduced in the Corona crisis will be applied for another 20 days. That was announced Wednesday by security circles. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wanted to speak to the Prime Minister about the details.

Controls were introduced a month ago. Since then, the borders with Austria, France, Luxembourg, Denmark and Switzerland have been monitored. However, there is no control at crossings to Belgium and the Netherlands.

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EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in Brussels on Wednesday that she does not expect a quick end to border controls in Europe. “In the long run,” if the coronavirus was combated, all controls in the Schengen area, which actually has no borders, would have to be remedied, he said.

Laschet and Söder: two different lines

Before Prime Minister’s discussions with Merkel, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) warned against a hasty return to normalcy. “We need a safe and prudent way out of the crown crisis,” the politician wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “Our measures work, but we must not risk a setback.” Cautious relief can only be achieved with additional protection. “There shouldn’t be a bidding competition that disturbs people,” he wrote.

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Armin Laschet (CDU), Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, appears to be pushing harder. Regarding possible school openings, Laschet stated that priority would be given to those students who were preparing for degrees like Abitur. The next steps would have to be decided together in light of the experience gained. It was important to have a “clear common roadmap on the road to responsible normality.” An expert council appointed by Laschet has devised a possible exit strategy.
