Corona rules until shortly before Easter: federal and state governments are looking at incidence 100 – politics


Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDUPhoto: John Macdougall / dpa

The federal and state governments want to extend the lockdown until March 28, as planned, but there are some additional flexibilities, from an incidence value of 100 new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days for retail and a little later. for outdoor restaurants. This stems from the revised draft resolution for the Corona summit this Wednesday, which is available to the Tagesspiegel. It bears the timestamp “03/03/2021, 7:30 am”.

These are the most important points:

  • Florists, bookstores, and garden markets must be able to open beginning March 8. But the limit per customer is handled a little more generously: one customer for every 10 square meters for the first 800 square meters of sales area and another for every additional 20 square meters.
  • The same is planned for trade. However, it should only open in seven days from an incidence of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Here, however, a new incidence value is being introduced for the previous easing. De facto, it is heading towards the first openings in retail starting next week.
  • Individual sports alone or in pairs and group sports of up to ten children up to 14 years of age in outdoor sports facilities should be possible from an incidence of 100.
  • Outdoor catering can also reopen soon under strict conditions, that is, until the end of March or the beginning of April. The prerequisite is that an incidence of less than 100 is achieved for two weeks. However, if people from multiple households sit at the same table, “a daily updated COVID-19 rapid test or guest self-test is required.”
  • The same applies to the opening of theaters, concert halls and opera houses, as well as to cinemas, non-contact indoor sports and outdoor contact sports.

“If a stable or decreasing seven-day incidence of less than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the country or region is achieved, the respective country can foresee the following additional openings at the national or regional level,” says the draft resolution. In that case, purchase offers by appointment should be allowed, so that one customer for every 40 square meters of sales area “can be admitted for a limited and fixed period of time with documentation for the follow-up of contacts in the shop after booking an appointment in advance. “

A rather complicated solution: on Tuesday night, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and several of her ministers could feel the discontent accumulated during a change with business associations and unions, many livelihoods are threatened. The fact that this time a discussion with companies and unions instead of virologists preceded the federal-state summit shows the change of situation in the state.

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To secure vacancies, a national quick test concept should be in place by early April; Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had originally promised this by early March. Everyone receives a free rapid test at least once a week that includes a certificate of the test result “in a test center operated by the respective municipality, with third parties commissioned by the respective municipality or with resident doctors,” it says in the diary. The federal government will bear the costs.

There is massive resentment in government circles, especially towards Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), because the rapid tests that have been secured so far would not go very far. According to Spahn’s ministry, they are in contact with companies “to secure contingents of up to 208 million self-tests.” Discussions for similar agreements were underway with other potential self-assessment providers.

Austria has been offering free rapid tests to its citizens since the beginning of March, Chancellor Merkel had admitted internally that there was a shortage of rapid tests in Germany, and the previous presentation mentioned free rapid tests per citizen per week. The mandatory quick test for companies has been canceled. Now he says: “For comprehensive protection against infections, companies in Germany, as a contribution to society as a whole, need to offer their attending employees at least one free quick test per week.” Note: this text is continually updated.
