Corona Rules: Senate Considering Celebration Restrictions | – Nachrichten – Hamburg


Status: October 20, 2020 2:04 pm

To contain the corona pandemic in Hamburg, the Senate may want to resolve further contact restrictions.

Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) announced Tuesday that the Senate will discuss it whether the number of new infections per 100,000 residents continues to exceed 50 in seven days. According to a decision of the federal and state governments, only ten people will be able to gather for private celebrations in public and private spaces. Currently 25 people can hold meetings outdoors and 15 privately in Hamburg. Tschentscher announced the final decision for the next few days.

Little hope for the winter cathedral

The mayor gave little hope to the men and women of the show who are preparing for the winter cathedral. Such an event is not very likely, Tschentscher said. According to him, it is still open if the Christmas markets can be held on a restricted basis.

Strict rules only on weekends

According to health authorities, the seven-day value in Hamburg was 55.4 on Tuesday, down from 50.6 the day before. Hamburg had its crown regulation has recently tightened. Has been in effect since Saturday There is a curfew between 11 pm and 5 am in restaurants. High school and vocational students I have to wear masks in class since Monday.

Additional Information

A person in blue gloves holds a swab in his hand.  © photocase Photo: Luisrojas

204 new corona cases have been registered in Hamburg since Monday. The so-called incidence value is currently 55.4. plus

Additional Information

An employee of the German Red Cross (DRK) performs a corona test at Hamburg airport.  © picture-alliance / rtn - radio tele nord

With or without symptoms: in Hamburg there are many ways to get tested for Covid-19. An overview. plus

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How is Hamburg doing with the corona pandemic? What restrictions are there, what flexibility? Here you will find the latest figures, news, videos and background information. plus


93 new corona infections on Monday. This means that the Hamburg incidence is above the critical value of 50. more

A disposable protective mask sits on top of a pile of files.  © Colourbox photo: nito

As of Thursday, the use of face and nose covers is mandatory in companies and public institutions. More news on the live ticker. plus

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