Corona rules as of November 2, 2020: these are the 11 new measures


Berlin –

The federal government wants to control the growing number of corona infections with drastic contact restrictions before Christmas.

From November 2 to the end of the month, leisure facilities and restaurants will be closed nationwide, entertainment events will be prohibited, and public contacts, as well as celebrations in squares and apartments, must be restricted.

This was announced by Chancellor Merkel after her videoconference with the Prime Minister this Wednesday (October 28).

Crown Rules: These measures apply from Monday, November 2, 2020

The measurements in detail:

Public, celebrations: Only members of your own household and members of another household can be together in public. Regulatory authorities sanction violations of these contact restrictions. Groups of people celebrating in public places, apartments and private facilities are unacceptable in view of the dire situation.

Schools and kindergartens: These facilities remain open. However, federal states should introduce more protective measures.

Retail trade: Retail stores also remain open, subject to hygiene, access control and queue avoidance requirements. However, it must be ensured that there is no more than one customer for every 10 square meters in the stores.

Entertainment events: Theaters, operas and concert halls must close. This also applies to trade shows, cinemas, amusement parks, arcades, casinos, and betting shops. Brothels and other places of prostitution will also be closed.

Sport: Recreational and amateur sports facilities must be closed in and on all public and private sports facilities, as well as swimming pools and amusement pools and fitness studios. Spectators are not allowed into stadiums when playing professional soccer.

Gastronomy and hotels: Bars, clubs, discos, pubs and similar establishments have to close. The delivery and collection of food for home consumption is excluded. Tourist accommodation offers in Germany are prohibited, hotels and guesthouses cannot accept tourists. Offers should only be made for necessary purposes. Citizens are generally asked to refrain from private trips and visits to relatives.

Personal hygiene: Cosmetic studios, massage practices, or tattoo studios have to close, but medically necessary treatments like physical therapy should be possible. Beauty salons remain open, unlike spring, but under existing hygiene requirements.

Economy: Industry, crafts and medium-sized companies should be able to work safely, it says in the draft. Employers must protect their employees from infection. Home work should be possible whenever possible.

Help for companies: The federal government wants to extend aid and improve conditions for the culture and events industry, for example. In addition, the express loan of the state banking group KfW for companies with fewer than ten employees will be opened and adapted.

Risk groups: There will be rapid and priority corona rapid tests for the sick, those in need of care, the elderly and the disabled. Special protection in this area should not lead to complete social isolation.

Control S: To comply with the measures, controls are being intensified in all areas. In addition, the federal and state governments should provide more information to citizens about the Crown’s measures “and increase clarity through the most uniform measures possible,” the newspaper says.

After two weeks, the Chancellor and the country’s leaders must evaluate the goals achieved and make the necessary adjustments.

Tighter crown rules in November are supposed to save Christmas for families

“Families and friends should be able to get together during the Christmas season even in Corona conditions. This now requires a joint effort, as it did in the spring,” the draft resolution says. Many of the planned measures are similar to the restrictions. that already existed in spring during the first corona wave.

Angela Merkel gets out of a car with mouth and nose protection in Berlin

Angela Merkel arrives at the Union parliamentary group meeting on October 27 with mouth and nose protection. On Wednesday, he will advise the prime minister on the new corona measures.

Crown rules: reactions and votes on the measures planned for November

The leader of the FDP party and the parliamentary group, Christian Lindner, tweeted that the chancellor wanted to “completely shut down the restaurant business, among other things. I think it is unnecessary and therefore also unconstitutional. “SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans told dpa:” We have to stop the dynamism of the virus and take all necessary measures with our combined forces. “

The president of the Federal Association of Medium-sized Companies, Mario Ohoven, told dpa: “The vast majority of medium-sized companies cannot cope with another closure. For tens of thousands of companies, this would be a fatal blow. “

Federal Government SME Commissioner Thomas Bareiß told dpa: “Safety and health will have the highest priority in the coming weeks. However, with the next steps, we also have to consider the effects on the affected companies. “

The German Foundation for Patient Protection called for uniform standards throughout Germany. “For as many as possible to continue participating, the same restrictions are needed in the same situation,” said dpa board member Eugen Brysch. (dpa)
