Corona: Rules again stricter in Munich – Munich


Ban on serving alcohol at night, stricter restrictions on contacts, requirement for a mask in the pedestrian zone – the city of Munich wants to counter rising corona infections with significantly stricter restrictions. In the future, restaurateurs will no longer be able to serve alcohol after 10 pm – the city’s crisis team agreed to this on Monday morning. The ban should apply across the city starting Wednesday. As well as a tightening of contact restrictions: in the future, only relatives and members of two households will be able to meet in Munich, or groups of a maximum of five people. This also applies to joint visits to restaurants. This maximum number is ten in Bavaria.

In addition, the mask requirement takes effect again in the pedestrian zone of the old town, as announced by the city hall at noon. The number of participants in private celebrations or club meetings is limited to 25 in closed rooms or up to 50 people outdoors. All these rules apply until October 27, that is, for two weeks.

Over the weekend, according to the Robert Koch Institute’s calculations, the so-called seven-day incidence for Munich rose again to more than 50, more precisely: to 50.6. This value describes the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. If it is more than 50, the municipalities must issue stricter regulations. That was the case in Munich about three weeks ago, so the city administration tightened contact restrictions in the last week of September and issued a mask requirement in the pedestrian zone of the old town. This regulation expired on October 1 when the numbers fell again.

Last Friday, in view of the growing number of infections, the city administration decreed that the general contact restriction, as it applies to public spaces throughout Bavaria, is also mandatory for private spaces. Consequently, he was allowed to meet with a maximum of nine other people in Munich, or with members of his own household, relatives and members of another household. The city had also ordered that at private celebrations or club meetings, for which special rules apply, only 25 people can be present indoors and 100 outdoors; The maximum numbers in Bavaria are respectively 100 and 200. The city had enacted both regulations for a week, and now both will be adjusted as of Wednesday, October 14. Furthermore, football matches in front of spectators are generally prohibited in the Munich stadium until October 25 inclusive.

Coronavirus - posters at Marienplatz

It is mandatory to wear outdoor masks from Wednesday during the day in Munich’s pedestrian zone, including Marienplatz, Stachus, Sendlinger Straße and Sendlinger-Tor-Platz, Schützenstraße, as well as on the Viktualienmarkt and the valley sidewalks.

(Photo: dpa)

According to the announcement from the city hall on Wednesday, the Kirchweihdult will take place at Mariahilfplatz in der Au, starting on Saturday. However, a maximum of 500 visitors is allowed there, and they must also wear a face-to-face mask. But four town hall meetings were canceled.

The number of infections is also increasing in the Munich area. According to the RKI, the neighboring district of Fürstenfeldbruck now has a seven-day incidence of 58.8, as estimated by the local health department at just under 62. There is now a mask requirement in all secondary schools, including the number maximum number of participants in private celebrations and meetings limited to 50. According to the RKI, the Ebersberg district is just below the mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week, the Munich district has once again exceeded the value of early warning from 35 to 39.4.
