Corona: Rottal-Inn district is closed, but new numbers give hope


Crown numbers too high: Therefore, a de facto lockdown has been announced for the district. After the strict rules went into effect, there are now new values.

  • Crown numbers are increasing all over the world, including in Bavaria.
  • In the Rottal-Inn district, the seven-day incidence recently increased to 260.1; now there are new values ​​(see update of October 27 at 6:10 pm).
  • A de facto closure has been announced for the Lower Bavarian district.
  • Here you can find the Bavarian Corona-News. We also provide you with the current case numbers * in the Free State on a map.

Update, October 27, 6:10 pm: the Rottal-Inn District is now in de facto lock. The State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) in Erlangen today, Tuesday (October 27), has one for the district of Lower Bavaria Seven Day Value of 240 reported. That’s about 39 less than the day before. However, the district ranks second in Bavaria after the Berchtesgadener Land district.

Corona’s numbers “explode”: Rottal-Inn district has been closed since midnight: Söder minister expresses suspicions

Update, October 27, 6:33 am: Since midnight, strict rules have been applied in the Rottal-Inn Districtafter the seven-day incidence jumped to 260.1. Around 120,000 people in the Austrian border area can only leave their own apartment. good reasons get out, as announced by the district office. This includes work, shopping, or sports outdoors. Schools and daycare centers will be closed initially for the next ten days. The restaurant industry can only offer take away meals. However, unlike the spring, many stores remain open.

Corona Lockdown in the Rottal-Inn District – These restrictions apply starting Tuesday

3.30 pm: The press conference in Pfarrkirchen has ended. The most important of the prescriptions activities for the Rottal-Inn district one more time at a glance: citizens can have theirs flat starting Tuesday at 00.00 am (October 27) for valid reasons only. schools Y Kindergartens they are also closed Restaurants. Events are canceled.

15:15 pm: “The restriction now returns freedom. the Crown-Ampel it is in intense red ”, emphasizes the president of the government of Lower Bavaria. Rainer Haselbeck. He is confident that the situation can be remedied soon.

Minister Huml has the perspective that the figures will continue to increase initially, “the measures usually last between ten and 14 days, we had to learn that until now with the pandemic.”

The Rottal-Inn District Is Becoming A Corona Hotspot – These Rules Apply Immediately

3:06 pm: He is now a district administrator Filling turn: “The numbers in the district have been increasing for a long time. We always try one Emergency shutdown to avoid. But if you look at the values ​​of today and yesterday, it has risen to a level where we have to issue a blockade to protect our population. ” border to Austria, Where there were less strict rules for a long time, it definitely plays a role, “you have to say it openly, of course you can’t prove it.” An additional facility to the Tests by Cross border travelers it is planned to simplify.

What are individuals Regulations? “In general, we are outside the measures Berchtesgaden know ”, he explains Filling: Leaving the flat it is only allowed after midnight for “valid reasons.” Sport and outdoor exercise is only allowed alone or with members of your own household.

Everybody stands that contacts minimize others, schools, Kindergartens Y Restaurants will be closed. Events are forbidden from now on, an exception Religious services. In Hotels can still Business travelers overnight, everyone Recreational facilities you have to close. by Hospitals it becomes a Visits ban tax. Currently, the measures are planned for ten days (until November 5).

Rottal-Inn district new Corona hotspot: press conference on the live ticker

3:02 pm: “People need to come in contact with as few people as possible,” says Huml. The concrete activities for the county Rottal-Inn you must explain to the district administrator. “Now it is important to act decisively. This virus can only be defeated together ”, indicates the direction of the Minister of Health.

3 pm: The press conference in Pfarrkirchen starts on time. “A regional closure is not good news for the Rottal-Inn district,” he says at first. Health Minister Melanie Huml take the floor.

Corona outbreak in Rottal-Inn district: Söder minister expresses suspicions about cross-border travelers

“It is always necessary to act. The numbers here on the site have recently increased accordingly. The last few weeks have been marked by the fact that we have relied heavily on Big cities I’ve looked ”, explains the CSU politician. That is now changing more and more. The proximity of the district (as in the case of Berchtesgadener Lands) to Austria probably played a role. Huml explicitly mentions the high number of Cross border travelers.

Update October 26, 2:50 pm: The Bavarian Minister of Health will inform you in a few minutes Melanie Huml and district administrator Michael Fahmüller about the facts Crown-Lockdown am Rottal-Inn District. We accompany the press conference on the live ticker.

New German Crown Access Point in Rottal-Inn District – Partial Closure Announced

Source message:

Pfarrkirchen – In view of the extremely increasing number of Corona *, in Lower Bavaria Rottal-Inn District from tuesday to midnight strict Exit restrictions. Schools and kindergartens will be closed, events will be canceled. This was announced on Monday (October 26) by a spokesman for the district office in Pfarrkirchen.

As a Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) correspondent tweeted, citizens of the district will only be allowed to leave the house starting tomorrow (October 27) for valid reasons. the Gastronomy it must also be closed. the General decree You must initially apply for ten days.

Corona closure in Rottal-Inn district: Health Minister Huml briefs district administrator on measures

The Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) had previously reported a seven-day * incidence of 260.1 for the district, which is the Corona * peak nationwide. Noisy State Office of Health and Food Safety the threshold was lower on Sunday: about 228 new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days.

Like the Rottal-Inn district itself Twitter announced that there will be a press conference in the afternoon at 3pm Minister of Health Melanie Huml give. The CSU politician will work with District Administrator Michael Fahmüller inform about the measures.

Corona Lock at Rottal-Inn – Exit restrictions similar to Berchtesgadener Land

Last week the Berchtesgadener Land Similar exit restrictions were imposed on the Austrian border * because there were values ​​of almost 300 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week. People can only leave the house for compelling reasons.

Söder makes the announcement come true: the new crown rules have been in effect in Bavaria since Friday (October 23)

Corona virus in Bavaria: numbers are also high in Augsburg – conversation deadlock

Also in Augsburg * the limit of 100 is clearly exceeded. As the third largest city in Bavaria announced on Monday, the incidence of seven days is 205.4. Here is also a Emergency shutdown in conversation.

The state capital also exceeds the dark red warning value introduced by Prime Minister Markus Söder * of 100 cases per 100,000 residents in seven days. In Munich the value increased from 100.6 to 114.5, so strict measures have been taken as of today. * (kam / dpa) * and are part of the national digital publishing network Ippen.

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

List of rubrics lists: © dpa / Armin Weigel
