Corona: RKI reports new case numbers – number of plays is increasing



RKI reports 11,176 new corona cases, more than 10,000 deaths

The RKI reports new numbers of corona cases every day. Many new infections were recorded over the weekend. All figures at a glance.

Montgomery: blocking 20,000 new infections per day

With 20,000 new corona infections per day in Germany, the president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, considers a new lockdown necessary. That number “would make the situation spiral out of control,” says Montgomery.

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  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 11,176 new corona infections within 24 hours on Sunday morning.
  • On Saturday, 14,714 new infections were reported in 24 hours, more than ever since the start of the pandemic.
  • Due to a data breach in the RKI, the Saturday value could still contain late registrations
  • In addition to the number of cases, you will also find here the current value of the crown reproduction number and the 7-day R-value

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 11,176 new corona infections in 24 hours on Sunday, an unusually high value for a Sunday because not all health authorities transmit data on the weekend. Exactly a week ago, 5587 new infections were reported in one day.

It was saturday morning 14,714 new infections in 24 hours it has been reported, more than ever since the start of the pandemic. However, since there were occasional data gaps in the transmission of infection figures on Thursday, the latest number of new infections could contain corresponding late reports. Also on Saturday morning there were occasional inconsistencies in the figures given.

The number of deaths associated with Covid-19 disease surpassed the 10,000 mark on Saturday.

The RKI announced on Friday that the previous Thursday, due to a web server failure, no data had been transmitted from the health authorities to the responsible state authorities for a good three hours. The missing data would be automatically broadcast on Friday during the day and then appear in the post on Saturday. “Only then can you see how big the data gap is,” said RKI spokeswoman Susanne Glasmacher. Corona’s critical points in North Rhine-Westphalia were affected by the breakdown.

Read here:
All news from Corona im Live-Ticker.

RKI’s Corona Box Numbers: An Overview

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), since the start of the Corona crisis At least 429,181 people in Germany have been shown to be infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus, as reported by the RKI (data as of October 25).

According to the RKI, the number of deaths related to a corona infection was at Saturday morning at 10,032 – 29 more than the day before. It is estimated that around 317,000 people have recovered from their infection and around 102,000 people are currently infected with the virus.

What is the R-value and how high is it currently?

The reproduction number, or R-value for short, was at Sunday at 1.45(Previous day: 1,1,36). If the R value is greater than 1, an infected person infects more than one person on average. The R value represents the infection that occurred about a week and a half ago. The RKI generally reports the current R-value at night.

Crown – More information on the topic


October 24th

October 23

R value



7-day R-value



The R-value is an important tool for estimating the infection rate. Indicates how many people a person infected with the pathogen infects during illness. If the value is less than 1, the number of new infections is reduced. If it is above this, the virus will spread further. Background:
This is how the reproduction number is calculated

In addition, the RKI gives a so-called R of 7 days in its management report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value is now 1.39 (previous day: 1.38). It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago. Read here:
All important crown numbers around the world and for Germany.

Coronavirus pandemic: RKI case numbers by federal state

When the federal states broadcast new daily states varies from country to country. There can even be several fluctuations in one day. Sometimes there are also errors in the transmission of the number of cases between the individual reporting offices. If a laboratory detects a case, it passes it on to the local health authority, from where the data is sent to the state health authority. All reports from a federal state are grouped there and then collectively transmitted to the RKI.

Because the process of the so-called infectious disease notification system is not yet fully digitized, it may also happen that the data reaches the RKI a day late.

The number of cases and the 7-day incidence of RKI calculated from them may therefore differ greatly from the figures published by state and local health authorities.

For individual federal states, the RKI relayed the following figures (infections detected and reported, data as of October 25):


Infection numbers

North Rhine-Westphalia








Lower saxony






















Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania


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