Corona risk zones: these districts of Berlin exceed the limit value



Three districts of Berlin are considered risk zones

Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate classify three districts of Berlin as risk areas and require isolation after entry.

Anyone coming from Berlin-Mitte must be quarantined in the Western Baltic Sea.

Anyone coming from Berlin-Mitte must be quarantined in the Western Baltic Sea.

  • the Corona-Pandemie is in advance in Berlin. In particular, three districts of the city center are affected.
  • Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate have Mitte, Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg when risk areas classified.
  • Anyone coming from these districts and traveling to the two countries must be in 14 day quarantine Come on.

Sedan. Who from Berlin to Schleswig-Holstein or Rhineland-Palatinate travels, you should find out in advance if you should go into quarantine. The two federal states classify Berlin districts as risk areas if there are more than 50 corona cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The two federal states are based on information from the Robert Koch Institute.

Berlin risk areas according to the Robert Koch Institute (as of October 4):

  • No 57.3
  • Neukölln 56.7
  • Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 52.1

In Schleswig-Holstein, the districts of Rhön-Grabfeld and the cities of Hamm and Remscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia are also risk areas.

Here you can access the Covid-19 panel of the Robert Koch Institute.

Berlin crown access points according to the health administration (as of October 4):

  • No 57.0
  • Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 58.9
  • Neukölln 56.7

The Tempelhof-Schöneberg district is just below the critical value of 49.9.

Here you can find the crown status report of the Berlin health administration.

Note: When cases are transmitted from the health authorities through the responsible state authorities to the RKI, there may be a delay in notification and transmission of a few days.

Risk area: 14-day quarantine after entering Schleswig-Holstein

The following applies to all people entering from these areas: You must go directly to your own home or other suitable accommodation immediately after entering the country and remain in quarantine for a period of 14 days after your entry, according to the website. the state government. In addition, they must inform the local health department and inform them about the trip.

All the news about the coronavirus in Berlin, Germany and the world: We have collected the most important questions and answers about the coronavirus in Berlin for you here. In our news blog we report on the current developments of the crown in Berlin and Brandenburg. You can read the news about the coronavirus in Germany and internationally here. In addition, we show on an interactive map how the coronavirus is spreading in Berlin, Germany, Europe and the world.

The entry requirements in Schleswig-Holstein in full:

“Are you traveling to Schleswig-Holstein from a risk area, for example as a returnee,

  • you must go directly to your own home or other suitable accommodation immediately upon entering the country and quarantine there for a period of 14 days after your entry
  • inform the local health department and inquire about the trip
  • You must have a corona test if you come from a foreign risk area (free of charge) and the health department makes it mandatory upon entry (test obligation)
  • You should not receive visits from people outside the home during the quarantine.

Camps, youth hostels and all other facilities with community sanitary facilities that the person to be separated would have to use are not suitable for isolation. A quarantine is conceivable in a vacation apartment or hotel room, as long as it is consistently adhered to. Entering common areas such as hotel restaurants or similar. I can not.”

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania does not differentiate between districts

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also requires a quarantine of visitors from German risk areas with more than 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants on average during the last seven days. In Schwerin, however, it has been determined that measures against Berliners will only take effect if the limit values ​​are exceeded throughout the city and not just in one district.

The Senate reacts to the quarantine obligation with incomprehension

In Berlin, the Senate reacts with incomprehension to the demands of the federal states. It is not clear what happens to people who live in another district but work in Mitte. Or the ones that were in a restaurant or theater in Mitte.

Senate spokeswoman Melanie Reinsch said on Friday that “they noted that Schleswig-Holstein has declared the districts of Mitte and Neukölln and other inland regions of Germany to be risk areas.” The national development of the increasing number of infections is observed with concern. “The numbers are increasing, especially in large cities, many cities have incidence values ​​similar or even higher than Berlin,” said the spokeswoman. Berlin has taken many steps to contain the pandemic, often more far-reaching than other federal states. “If necessary, we will have to refine this here.”

Berlin has had a similar provision in its Corona containment ordinance since the outbreak at the wholesaler Tönnies in North Rhine-Westphalia in June. The obligation to quarantine people who entered from risk areas within Germany was imposed. This paragraph is no longer included in the ordinance passed on Tuesday.

The traffic light for new infections in Berlin is red

Already with a value of 30, the alarm bells are ringing throughout Berlin. This has been exceeded for days and was 37.8 on Sunday. That is why one of the three traffic lights in Corona is red. In light of this, restrictive upper limits for private celebrations and a mask requirement for office buildings have been in effect since Saturday. According to the authorities, private celebrations and illegal parties are the main cause of the long increase in corona infections in Berlin. Alcohol often flows abundantly here, distance requirements or protective masks often don’t play a role.

Corona pandemic – more on the topic
