Corona relieving all Munich residents? Aiwanger says Söder won’t like it


Munich was the first German metropolis to fall below the critical 50 crown incidence mark. Merkel is skeptical of any relief. Very different from the Chancellor.

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel gave an interview to RTL. Your statements give little hope of openings (Update, 7:49 p.m.).
  • Munich has succeeded, as the first metropolis of Germany: we are less than 50 years old with the incidence of Corona of 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants, which is so crucial for many! (First report, February 4, 9.27 am)
  • Söder MP Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters), on the other hand, is thinking aloud in a completely different direction (February 4, 7:19 pm).
  • Our corona news ticker is continually updated.

Update, February 4, 7:49 pm: While Aiwanger is already dreaming (see previous update), the Chancellor is spinning herself with warnings and slogans of restraint. In an interview with RTL and ntv, which will be broadcast in its entirety today at 8:15 pm, he says phrases that despair all those tired of the confinement. “Opening it quickly doesn’t help either,” said Angela Merkel (CDU). As much as gastronomy and retailers had tried before the second hard lockdown: “We will see that when they have them all, the numbers will go down.”

We can see that when they have them all, the numbers go down.

Angela Merkel on gastronomy and Corona

So is there no hope of easing? Not for cafes, bars, restaurants, not even for ski areas? At first he cannot say anything, says the Chancellor. On February 10, the prime ministers will meet with her again. She still wants to take the time to see how far the mutation has advanced in the country. Until then, however, “he doesn’t want to create false hope.”

Update, February 4, 7:19 pm.: Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Finance Minister and Söder’s deputy, can’t help it. While Söder and Mayor Reiter are on the phone and agree not to allow any relaxation for Munich residents at first, Aiwanger is thinking aloud of the state parliament, and indeed, exactly, relaxation. During a question time in the state parliament, Aiwanger evaluates the numbers in such a way that “more opportunities are possible than leaving everything closed unchanged.” Does your prime minister like that? Unlikely.

Crown making it easy for Munich: Reiter praises Munich, but …

Update February 4, 1:05 pm.: Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) is full of praise after Munich was the first German metropolis to break the 50 mark in terms of advocacy: “First of all, it’s very positive. I would like to especially thank the people of Munich ”. Now it is important to keep the trend.

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Crown facilitating for Munich? OB Reiter calls Söder by phone

If the number 50 is not exceeded in the 7-day incidence in the next seven days, relaxation does not seem to be ruled out. However, current regulations require an agreement with the Free State. “Today I spoke with the Prime Minister (Markus Söder, d. Red.) By phone and agreed that we would wait for more news and meet again before the Prime Minister’s Conference next week so that we can bring news to the conference from the perspective of Munich, “Reiter explained. On February 10, the country’s leaders will meet again with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to establish a balance sheet.

Today, however, it is still too early to speculate on individual measures. “I consulted with my specialists several times a week about the current infection situation and possible measures,” Reiter clarified.

Corona in Munich: Dieter Reiter makes a clear announcement to relax – “Only when …”

Original report, February 4, 9.24 am: Munich: the state capital has done it. The magic mark of the newly registered 50 Corona cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days was reduced. In 2021, Munich will be the first German metropolis to do so.

On Thursday morning, the incidence of corona was according to the Robert Koch Institute at 48.0. The number hasn’t been this low since mid-October. Across Bavaria, the seven-day incidence on Thursday is 83.1, in Germany 80.7. Lord Mayor Dieter reiter (SPD) was already satisfied in advance. When it became clear that the number of infections in the Emergency shutdown At the beginning of February they finally approached the limit value reached. This shows “that apparently the different measures are working, especially since the vast majority of people adhere to them.” Munich is taking a step towards more normality. However, relaxation should not be expected just yet.

Corona: the blockade eases in Munich?

A.M Crown-Lockdown, the federal chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Prime Ministers have imposed until February 14, despite the positive value, it should also be for Munich don’t change anything first. Because the creed of caution still applies in the Corona crisis. “Only when we hold this value for the next seven days can we even think of relaxation,” he said. OB cyclist. In theory, however, relaxation would be possible.

Because the critical mark of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is the value of new corona infections with which health authorities can trace the chains of infection through contact persons. Follow-up of contacts is one of the key political arguments for the Emergency shutdown. This is also the case with the Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance: cities and districts without districts that are below the critical mark of 50 and whose incidence is decreasing may decide to relax. Both now apply to Munich.

Rubric List List: © Michael Sohn
