Corona protection: how do you clean the FFP2 masks correctly?



Corona protection: How can FFP2 masks be safely cleaned?

Many people wear FFP2 masks. But can they be reused or cleaned? A hygienist and a manufacturer answer that.

Can you clean the FFP2 skins?

Unlike normal mouth and nose protection, FFP2 masks also serve to protect the wearer. But how do you clean the mask?

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  • More and more people are wearing a FFP2 protective mask to protect themselves from coronaviruses
  • But what do you have to pay attention to? How can the mask be cleaned?
  • Two experts explain what to watch out for and where the dangers lie

People 60 and older and members of other risk groups have received from the federal government since Tuesday Protective masks FFP2. “Even FPP2 masks don’t offer 100 percent protection against coronavirus. But they considerably reduce the risk of contagion ”, said the Federal Minister of Health. Jens spahn (CDU).

In the next few months there will only be 15 per person. Many are now wondering if masks can be cleaned and how to do it. From baking to steaming, different things happen Theories Asked our editorial team.

Read also:Corona protection using FFP2 masks: distribution has begun

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Corona protection: disinfectants destroy the filter properties of the mask.

“You can’t clean the FFP2 masks,” he explains. Peter Walger, Spokesperson for the board of directors of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH), our editorial team. The masks are disposable. “In the situation of shortages at the beginning of the corona pandemic, there were indications that were born of necessity, such as heating the masks in the oven,” said the infectologist and hygiene specialist.

However, according to Walger, this works as little as washing them or treating them with a disinfectant. “That destroys them Filter properties and it makes the mask ineffective, ”said the DGKH spokesman.

FFP2 masks: the wetter, the less they leak

Daniel Lamping claims that his company in Unna in North Rhine-Westphalia produces 100,000 FFP2 masks on a good day. “There are only a few reusable FFP2 Masks, ”says Exbert’s managing director to our editorial team. These can be recognized by the “R” for “reusable”, meaning reusable.

Most FFP2 masks, however, have an “NR” for “not reusable” printed on them. the Rule indicate that these masks should be replaced after no more than eight hours. “The wetter it is, the less it leaks,” says Lamping.

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Masks in the oven: filter performance deteriorates

He also advises Reasons for protection against infection strongly from putting masks in the oven. Lamping tested it anyway: “We baked our FFP2 mask, which has a filter performance of over 94 percent, for 90 minutes at 90 degrees.” Result: The filter performance has deteriorated, but is still above that of FFP2- Masks required values.

“In general, however, it cannot be said whether FFP2 masks should be cleaned in this way or if the filter breaks. That also depends a lot on the material, “says the manufacturer of the mask. You cannot tell if a mask filters well.

Risk of corona infection – FFP2 masks are removed more often

According to the hygiene specialist Walger, protection is also related to the correct use of the mask: “You have to adjust them carefully, you have to check if the mask fits correctly. And when it does, you can quickly realize that it is Breathe It is much more difficult ”. This leads to careless use in order to breathe better.

“The result is that people remove their masks more frequently, which Risk of infection significantly increased ”, says the infectologist. Incorrect use neutralizes the theoretically better protection, so that in practice there is hardly any difference between medical oral and nasal protection and FFP2 masks.

Infectiologist: FFP2 masks are not recommended for daily use

According to Walger, FFP2 masks therefore belong to the medical care of Patients with Covid-19 or in the nursing care of people at risk. After one turn, the masks would be discarded. “In general, FFP2 masks are not recommended for daily use,” explained the hospital hygienist.

The FFP2 masks are not for the daily protection of the population, but for occupational safety and for protection against Aerosol sprays has been developed. Walger: “The extent to which this additional protective effect is necessary to protect against SARS-CoV-2 is being discussed.”

For the mask manufacturer, this is clear: “We think it makes sense, if I want to protect myself, to wear an FFP2 mask and notice that this happens more and more in the population arrives, ”says Lamping.

Corona protection: FFP2 masks filter aerosols

FFP2 masks are used to protect the user because Aerosol sprays filter. A standard regulates the quality of the filter. Unlike conventional everyday masks, which only prevent the entry of droplets, particulate masks with a filter can also protect the user from infection. FFP stands for “Filtering Face Piece”. (jtb / dpa)

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