Corona pandemic: Vaccination at the doctor from April


Status: March 8, 2021 8:44 pm

Early next month, resident physicians will begin administering Covid-19 vaccines across the country. According to the dpa, the federal and state governments agreed on this. Therefore, the rate of vaccination should be significantly increased.

Covid-19 vaccinations in Germany must also be performed in doctor’s offices in early April. The federal and state ministers agreed to this at the health ministers conference. This is reported by the dpa news agency, referring to the groups of participants.

The vaccine should reach practices on a regular basis through wholesalers and pharmacies. The bureaucratic effort for the doctor’s office should be kept to a minimum, he said. The vaccination centers will remain in place for the time being, so the agreed dates will be maintained.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, 2.5 million people in Germany had been fully vaccinated as of Sunday. That is three percent of the population. 5.2 million people have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Vaccination protection for everyone until August?

The federal and state governments had already decided on Wednesday that with increasing amounts of vaccination doses, general practitioners and specialized practices would generally be included in the vaccination campaign from late March / early April. The prioritization of individual population groups should be maintained, but then clinicians must decide for themselves who will receive the vaccine based on the recommendations.

The head of the Permanent Commission on Vaccination, Thomas Mertens, said in an interview that there were good arguments for involving the practices only when there was enough vaccine. Among other things, some doctors might have a difficult time giving their patients the correct vaccination sequence, Mertens says.

According to the National Association of Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), in Germany there are 75,000 general practitioners and specialists available for vaccination. If 50,000 doctors’ offices administered 20 doses of vaccine a day, according to KBV, this alone could make up to five million vaccinations per week. If there is enough vaccine, according to the calculations of the KBV model, it may be possible to achieve complete vaccination protection for the entire population on 1 August.
