Corona pandemic: Spahn insists on success before Christmas


Before Christmas, Spahn wants to achieve a decrease in corona numbers, also in intensive care units. There the doctors speak of an “absolutely exceptional situation”. Meanwhile, the Chancellor warns of a third wave.

In the fight against the corona pandemic, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn urges that the increase in figures be reversed in December with the new daily restrictions. In fact, he wanted to see “that we have lower numbers before Christmas,” he said. This applies to both the number of infections and the intensive care units.

After lateral movement has been observed for a relatively long time, for two to three weeks, it is important to reduce new infections. This is exactly what the new measures taken by the federal and state governments are for, according to Spahn. This is the only way to get relief in intensive care units.

Intensive care doctor: “I’ve never seen him like this before”

Intensive care doctors had previously urged the population to adhere to protective measures. “We are in an absolutely exceptional situation that we have never experienced in the history of intensive care medicine,” said Gernot Marx of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. Each group that is not currently meeting can help a few more people survive. In his opinion, the agreed blocking measures should have been even more stringent. The pandemic is pushing him and his colleagues to the limit.

Spahn said he took the situation in the intensive care units very seriously. Doctors reported that they could deal with the number of Covid patients there as of today, but only under great stress for everyone involved, such as doctors, nurses and cleaning staff. It shouldn’t be permanent that they can be under so much stress all winter long.

Merkel warns of the third wave

Chancellor Angela Merkel also warned the population to be cautious in a civil dialogue with police officers. She warned that there could be a third wave. “We will have to be very, very careful in winter,” said the CDU politician.

But he also stressed that the restrictions are temporary. In the Crown crisis, some people have “concerns that this will go on forever” and that rights should be permanently restricted. You could assure: “It is not thus”.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on November 30, 2020 at 8:00 pm
