Corona pandemic: Spahn against the special rights of vaccinated people


Health Minister Spahn also speaks out against people vaccinated against the coronavirus who receive benefits. Dr. Montgomery can imagine this long-term and compared it to the measles vaccine.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn rejects the special rights of vaccinated people. “Many wait in solidarity so that some can get vaccinated first. And those who have not yet been vaccinated hope that those vaccinated will be supportive patients,” Spahn told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

“No one should claim special rights until everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated.” It is this mutual respect that holds the nation together: “We are fighting the pandemic together, and we will only overcome it together,” said the CDU politician.

Spahn is critical of the production of vaccine licenses

Spahn called me BR the start of vaccination is a “giant step” in the fight against the pandemic. “Vaccination is the key to defeating this virus. How can we keep it under control, with the AHA rules, distance, blockades, we know. It is exhausting and annoying. How can we defeat it, the key now is in us hand in hand “.

Regarding the demands of the head of FDP, Christian Lindner, that the vaccine should also be produced under license by other pharmaceutical companies, Spahn said: “I have the impression that some underestimate the complexity and also the requirements, especially in terms of quality. in vaccine production. You don’t even install it in a room in three days, not even in a pharmaceutical company. “

They are in close contact with Biontech and Pfizer to enable additional production facilities, including in Germany. Biontech has taken over a plant in Marburg. The goal is for production to start there in the first quarter. “If that were successful, the amount available would increase enormously very quickly,” Spahn said.

Seehofer and Lauterbach also against privilege

Before Spahn, the federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer, had spoken out on the special rights of vaccinated people. The CSU politician had assured over the weekend that there would be no preferential treatment by the state for vaccinated people. Otherwise, this amounts to a mandatory vaccination, but he is against compulsion, Seehofer emphasized in the “Bild am Sonntag”. He also opposed unequal treatment by private companies such as airlines.

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach also turned against the privileges of vaccinated people. Such privileges “would not be controllable or easy to justify,” he told the Funke media group newspapers.

By the way, it cannot be ruled out that those who have been vaccinated can infect other people with the corona virus.

Montgomery makes a comparison with mandatory vaccination against measles

On the other hand, the world medical president, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, believes that it is possible to grant special rights to people vaccinated against the coronavirus in the long term. “At the moment, when it is not possible to offer a vaccine to everyone, such a procedure is out of the question,” Montgomery emphasized in Deutschlandfunk. Later, when everyone has a chance to get vaccinated and more is known about the evidence of immunity in the blood, appropriate decisions can be made.

He gave other examples of a similar approach: Some states have issued entry bans for people who have not been vaccinated against yellow fever. In addition, there is a measles vaccination requirement as a prerequisite for admission to a nursery in Germany.

Montgomery expects enough vaccine by the course of 2021 to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19 in Germany.

Vaccines started in the EU

Vaccinations started across the EU on Sunday. According to Germany’s vaccination plan, people in nursing homes and nursing homes, as well as vulnerable hospital staff, will be vaccinated first. In addition to mobile vaccination teams, there are more than 400 vaccination centers throughout the country.
