Corona pandemic: seven-day incidence drops to 60


Status: 02/13/2021 9:06 am

Once again, the Robert Koch Institute has reported fewer new corona infections. The health authorities counted 8354 new cases. The seven-day incidence throughout the country is 60.1, with large regional differences.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of new corona infections has continued to decline. Health authorities reported 8,354 new cases in one day. That’s about 2,100 fewer infections reported than last Saturday. In addition, 551 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours. As of Saturday of last week, the RKI had recorded 10,485 new infections and 689 new deaths in one day.

On January 14, the peak of 1,244 deaths recently reported was reached. For new infections registered within 24 hours, the highest value was reached on December 18, at 33,777, but it contained 3,500 late reports.

The seven-day incidence drops to 60.1

According to the RKI, most federal states continue to see a seven-day drop in incidents: the national average fell to 60.1 on Saturday morning according to the RKI, the number of new infections reported in seven days per 100,000 residents, but there are still big differences.

Counties with very high incidence values ​​can still be found mainly in northeastern Bavaria and Thuringia. According to the RKI, the value is currently particularly high in the Bavarian districts of Tirschenreuth (351.2) and Wunsiedel in Fichtelgebirge (225.7) on the border with the Czech Republic and the district of Schmalkalden-Meiningen (216.1) in Thuringia.

The cities of Schweinfurt (Bavaria / 7.5), Zweibrücken (Rhineland-Palatinate / 11.7) and Münster (North Rhine-Westphalia / 15.9), as well as the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen (Bavaria / 15.4) currently have the lowest values ​​a Nacional level. ) in.

The federal and state governments initially target a value below 50 to relieve hospitals and health authorities. Starting from a permanent value of less than 35, they have promised more blocking openings. Four weeks ago, on January 16, the incidence had been 139. Its previous peak was reached on December 22 at 197.6.

R-value still below 1.0

According to RKI’s management report on Friday night, the seven-day national R-value was 0.87 (previous day 0.85). This means that 100 infected people infect another 87 people. The value represents the onset of the infection eight to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

In total, the RKI has counted 2,328,447 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the pandemic began. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go unrecognized. The RKI stated that the number of people recovered was around 2,112,000. The total number of people who died from a proven infection with the virus rose to 64,742.
