Corona pandemic: Saxony to impose blockade from Monday


Saxony is tightening its crown measures. Schools, daycare centers and many stores are scheduled to close from Monday to January 10. The government announced that it should respond to the sharp increase in the number of infections.

Saxony, which is currently particularly affected by the corona virus, will enter a harsh lockdown from next Monday. Schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and retail stores, with the exception of essential supplies, will be closed, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer announced after a cabinet meeting in Dresden.

Therefore, the lock should apply until January 10. Kretschmer said the state government wanted to “calm” Saxony. This is the only way to stop the infection process. Although the situation is more difficult than in the spring, people are not as serious about the situation, Kretschmer said. This is another reason why politicians must react now.

Access only with mask and rapid tests

Kretschmer said he had instructed the Ministry of Social Affairs to draft a cabinet bill that should be passed on Friday and implemented from Monday. Saxony Economy Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) said the situation was dramatic. He announced the prohibition of alcohol in public places. In residences for the elderly and the elderly you should only access with a mask and rapid tests, sports are prohibited in closed rooms.

NDR Info reported on this issue on December 8, 2020 at 2:15 pm
