Corona pandemic: RKI warns “Sars-Cov-2 has gotten more dangerous” – Spahn wants to change vaccination regulations


Germany Corona-Pandemie

RKI warns “Sars-Cov-2 has become more dangerous” – Spahn wants to change vaccination regulations

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Spahn, Wieler and Cichutek on the current status of the crown

Health Minister Spahn has already expressed his reluctance in the run-up to ease the situation soon. Watch the joint press conference with RKI President Wieler and Paul Ehrlich Institute Cichutek President here.

The Robert Koch Institute warns of the dangers of virus mutations. Variants have already been detected in 13 federal states. Health Minister Spahn wants to change the vaccination plan due to AstraZeneca’s approval.

reThe director of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, warns of the spread of coronavirus mutations. In particular, the B117 variant, which was first detected in Great Britain, has already spread to Germany. Mutations have been detected in 13 federal states and are responsible for just under 6 percent of infections in Germany.

“What worries us at the RKI are the effects of the virus variants,” Wieler said at the federal press conference in Berlin on Friday. “Sars-Cov-2 has gotten more dangerous”. The R value with the British B117 mutation is 0.5 points higher, which is a big difference. “The variants gave the virus a boost.”

The B117 variant is not only more contagious, Wieler said. “There are early indications that B117 is increasingly leading to more severe disease courses.”

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Wieler said it must be assumed that there will continue to be biological changes in the virus. New PCR tests should also be developed for this. “You need an open view.” Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, said during the federal press conference that synthetic virus variants are also being produced to test the effectiveness of vaccines. At Biontech it is already clear that the vaccine has so far been effective against mutant viruses. Therefore, it is necessary to “continue vaccinating quickly” with existing vaccines. Because that also protects the general public from the existing variants.

Spahn: “We are changing the vaccination regulations”

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) announced during the federal press conference that he would react to the approval of the active ingredient in AstraZeneca: “We are changing the vaccination ordinance.” He wants to sign the change on Monday. The prioritization groups would remain the same, but people between the ages of 18 and 64 should be vaccinated with the new AstraZeneca vaccine starting in February. “This allows us to double the vaccines in February,” Spahn said.

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Cichutek emphasized that there was no age limit for the AstraZeneca vaccine, but there was an indication that it was more effective in younger people. There are other vaccine products that may soon be approved. “Each and every one of us should embrace the protection of vaccines,” Cichutek said. This is a responsibility towards the closest family and society.

By the end of the first quarter, everyone in Group 1 of the prioritization groups wanted to have a vaccination offer, Spahn said. Then it would be the turn of the people at high risk. “With the amounts that we expect in the second quarter, we can certainly also vaccinate a lot of high-risk people,” he says. Thanks to the active ingredient in AstraZeneca, federal states would initially have 1.7 million more vaccine doses by February 19. However, Spahn also limited himself: “There are difficult weeks of shortages in vaccine deliveries.”

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The mutations of the virus would show “that we are in the verses of the virus,” says the Minister of Health. It can no longer be spread so easily.

The trend for infections in Germany looks positive overall, Spahn said. For the first time since October 25, fewer than 200,000 people are actively infected with the corona virus in Germany. But Spahn also dampened hopes of early openings: “We’ve seen in other European countries how quickly the numbers go up again after openings.” But: “When we open, kindergartens and schools first,” Spahn said. Know how great the pressure is on families with children: “Many families with children are on the edge. This pandemic of the century continues to be an imposition on everyone. It is a test of character and stress for our society. ”

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Wieler explained that there are still people “in our country who reject the masks or deny the pandemic.” With this background alone, a covid-free strategy is difficult.

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The vaccination campaign was difficult, says Spahn. But there is little you can do with it when everyone explains to each other what could have gone better. “The virus is the enemy,” Spahn said. However, the price of a strategy without Covid is “too high,” says Spahn. It must be done so that the health system is not overloaded.
