Corona pandemic: RKI reports 23,449 new infections


The Robert Koch Institute reports 23,449 new cases; infections remain at a high level. Health Minister Spahn is in favor of stricter restrictions on critical points, which are “absolutely” necessary.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 23,449 new infections in 24 hours. That’s about 640 more than a week ago. Therefore, the number of infections remains high despite partial blockage. Another 432 people died from or with the virus. This increased the number of deaths to 18,034.

In total, more than 1.13 million people in Germany have been shown to be infected with the corona virus. According to the RKI, around 820,600 people are considered recovered. The seven-day incidence hardly changed to 134.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. The federal and state governments are struggling to bring the value back below the 50 threshold.

Spahn for stricter measurements at critical points

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) advocates for stricter contact restrictions in regions with a high number of corona infections. Where the numbers are high, steps are “absolutely necessary” that go beyond the measures agreed between the federal and state governments, “Morgenmagazin” said in the ZDF. This has already happened in Saxony and Bavaria, for example. This decision should always be based on the infection situation at the site. He rejected a nationwide tightening of the partial blockade.

“You need a common conscience”

He appealed to a “common conscience” of the population. They would all have to take care of each other. This also means that currently is not the time for large gatherings at Christmas. Sensible behavior should also be observed on vacation. Not everything that is allowed has to be exploited, he emphasized. But he had the impression that most of the citizens were attached to it.

In addition, Spahn defended the regulation that has been in force since Friday, through which teachers and educators can now be tested for the coronavirus with rapid tests. He does not understand the criticisms made of him. “It’s an offer,” he said, responding to requests from the federal states. “I didn’t say that everyone had to.” Among other things, the associations of ear, nose and throat specialists had warned against self-tests as they see the risk of false negative results.

Don’t just do it with vaccines

Meanwhile, Spahn sees no national selfishness in Germany when it comes to ordering and distributing corona vaccines that are now predictable. Like other large countries, Germany could have approved a vaccine without help, Spahn said. But it was said from the beginning in the European Union, “We will do this together.”
