Corona pandemic: risk area of ​​a large city |


Berlin, Frankfurt, Bremen: more and more cities are becoming hotspots for the crown. The mayors also warn that the pandemic will be decided in the metropolises. How is the situation in the big cities? An overview.

The number of corona infections is increasing almost everywhere in Germany, especially in large cities. The pandemic will be decided in the metropolises, Hamburg’s first mayor Peter Tschentscher said recently on ZDF. The president of the City Council, Burkhard Jung, also warned in the dpa: “If it will be possible to stop the second wave of Corona will be decided in the coming weeks in the big cities.” Many people lived there in a confined space.

Urban confinement certainly plays a role. People cannot avoid each other as they do in rural areas, for example when they have to use buses, subways or buses. But private parties and celebrations in clubs and bars are also considered sources of infection.

Berlin, Bremen and Frankfurt am Main are already among the hot spots in the crown: more than 50 new infections have been recorded per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. Other cities are dangerously scratching the critical mark.

Reason enough to meet and discuss how to proceed. Chancellor Angela Merkel is doing it today: she speaks to the mayors of large German cities via video conference. They include: Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Leipzig and Stuttgart. What is the current situation in these cities? An overview:


One of the key figures important to assess the Corona situation has risen for the first time above the warning value of 50 for all of Berlin. The number of new infections reported per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days in the capital is now 52.8. That comes from Corona’s status report from the Senate Health Administration on Thursday. Previously, the so-called seven-day incidence had only exceeded the critical value of 50 in some districts of the city.

The authorities see illegal parties and private celebrations with heavy alcohol consumption as sources of infection. The Robert Koch Institute also attributes the increase in the number of people in Berlin to young international travelers and partiers, “who become infected on the go or at parties and then spread these infections in their homes and families.”

The Senate has now responded with additional measures: Starting Saturday, a nightly curfew and tougher indoor and outdoor contact bans will be enforced. Most shops and all restaurants and bars close between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Only five people or people from two households can meet outdoors from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Only a maximum of ten people instead of 25 Previous members can participate in private celebrations in closed rooms. There is also a general mask requirement in office and administrative buildings.

Berlin Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) said in rbb: “Socializing time is over. The situation in Berlin is dire.”

If you live in Berlin and want to go during the fall holidays, you should find out more beforehand. The vast majority of federal states imposed accommodation bans at Corona hotspots, which also include Berlin and some boroughs.


The number of corona cases in Hamburg is also continuously increasing. On Thursday alone there were 125 new cases. More recently, there were outbreaks in a refugee accommodation, two nursing homes, and after celebrations in a trendy bar. Many of the invitees had provided incorrect contact details, making contact tracking difficult or impossible.

The city plans to take stricter corona measures if the incidence value is greater than 35 for three days in a row. In this case, starting next Monday, a mask requirement will apply to all people in dining rooms and retail stores, Mayor Tschentscher said after consultations with the Senate. That also applies to staff. “In addition, we will monitor compliance with the rules even more, especially in the restaurant sector,” said Tschentscher.

If the number of infections continues to move at a high level, face masks and nose should also be worn as of Monday at all events in closed rooms and in buildings with public traffic and in public places where there are large concentrations and narrow spaces. According to the health authority, there should also be a mask requirement in places where crown rules have been repeatedly violated, for example in Schanzenviertel or St. Pauli.


The Hanseatic city of Bremen is also not spared from the increase in crown numbers. The upper limit of 50 new infections was broken on Thursday. Since then, there have been stricter rules for private celebrations, public events and also for the use of masks. “We will now do everything possible to ensure that the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants falls below the critical value of 50 in seven days,” said Bremen Prime Minister Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD).

After today’s change conference, the Bremen Senate will discuss whether the measures should be further toughened. This also refers to possible travel restrictions for vacationers from risk areas within Germany. Bovenschulte said he does not believe in “multinational Corona” or German national travel restrictions. However, the Senate will decide whether Bremen will maintain its negative stance or follow suit like other federal states.


Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has not recently become popular with some of his colleagues in the country. An accusation: “attack on Berlin”. Some cities like Berlin are on the verge of losing control, “warned the head of the CSU in the direction of the red-red-green Senate. Berlin received help from Hamburg:” Anyone who has a suggestion on how to do better than Berlin should give him a call. said the head of the council Tschentscher to the “Spiegel” and recalled: “There were times when Munich had the highest infection rates. And nobody said that this was due to the nature of the people of Munich. “

The seven-day incidence is increasing again in Munich, but remains below the critical limit of 50. In Munich, the sharpest signal value of 35 applies, and this mark is also just below this. But given the trend, the city extended some restrictive measures. These include, for example, restrictions on meetings and catering. There is also the prohibition of alcohol in the central squares of the city center on weekends.

Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main is now also one of the hot spots in the crown. The critical mark of 50 has been passed. The city said the number of new infections has nearly doubled in the past ten days. As a reaction, alcohol bans and a general obligation to wear mouth and nose protection in certain areas apply. Also, a curfew was introduced between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. This was originally planned for 10 p.m.

Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen

North Rhine-Westphalia has had the highest infection rates of all the German territorial states for days. Several cities have been above the critical mark for days, for various reasons. With Cologne and Essen, two major cities in North Rhine-Westphalia are now just slightly below the critical mark. The regional health center gave the value of Cologne on Friday with 49.8 (plus 4.4 compared to the previous day), for Essen with 48.4 (plus 5.0).

There was also a massive increase in Herne – the Ruhr area city reached a value of 56.2 (plus 22.4 compared to the previous day) and is therefore now a corona risk area. Similar in Unna district. What worries the authorities there: They cannot attribute the increase to a single Superspreader event. Rather, the newly reported cases were evenly distributed across the towns in the district. There are infections and suspected cases in various schools, kindergartens, and soccer teams. This makes contact tracing particularly difficult for health authorities.

In Düsseldorf and Dortmund, the numbers are still comparatively moderate: in both cities, the seven-day incidence is around 26, according to the Robert Koch Institute.


Leipzig is the only city in East Germany to participate in the video link with the Chancellor. Compared to the West German federal states, the crown numbers in Saxony are lower with a total of around 7,700 cases, but the trend now is also clearly upward. Especially in the Zwickau district and in the Erzgebirge district, the number of new infections is increasing dramatically. But also in the Bautzen district. The limit was exceeded here on Thursday and then the main events were canceled.

There are also many more new infections in Dresden and Leipzig. Leipzig Mayor Burkhard Jung now considers the prohibition of alcohol in public places and the requirement for masks in pedestrian areas to be conceivable.

According to Jung, who is also Chairman of the City Council, “cities are doing everything they can to keep the pandemic under control.” Many have already acted according to a tiered concept. “As soon as the national levels of 35 or 50 corona diseases per 100,000 inhabitants in a city are exceeded, strict requirements take effect. This may include an expanded mask requirement, upper limits for events, or rules for restricted visits in hospitals or nursing homes “.

Jung also warned that if the number of new infections continued to rise rapidly, health authorities would reach their limits because chains of infection could no longer be traced.


The neighboring Stuttgart district of Esslingen is already a Corona hotspot: a mask requirement in public places and stricter restrictions on participation in celebrations and events apply here with immediate effect.

The situation is also dangerous in other municipalities in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart (43.7) is above the critical mark of 35 new infections. In the state capital, given the growing number of infections, the requirements for the celebrations were tightened on Wednesday. The districts of Göppingen (34.9) and Mannheim (33.8) also have high values.

The mayor of Stuttgart, Fritz Kuhn, strongly remembers the situation in March. “More and more cases are registered, the contagion process is more and more diffuse. That worries us, ”said the Green politician. A powerful block should be avoided. Therefore, private meetings would be restricted.
