Corona pandemic: quarantine for vacationers? |


The dispute between the governments of Europe continues over whether winter sports can take place during the pandemic. The director of the World Medical Association, Montgomery, insists on strict quarantine rules for returnees. Austria requires compensation in the event of a ban.

Alpine countries are still struggling to find a common line on whether ski areas should open during the winter holidays. Politicians and health experts are particularly skeptical in Germany. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, president of the World Medical Association, called for strict rules for everyone returning to travel. “Anyone who still thinks he has to go on a skiing vacation despite the high number of infections should know very clearly that he must be quarantined afterwards,” he told the “Rheinische Post.

“All travelers returning from EU countries and third countries should be obliged to quarantine for at least five days in each German federal state,” said the world medical president. “Now only general and strict rules help, with no exceptions in individual countries.”

In fact, the federal government favors much stricter requirements. He wants to close all ski areas in Europe due to the pandemic. Chancellor Angela Merkel said in the Bundestag on Thursday that she would seek a vote with the other states.

Reluctance of the Alpine Republics

But Germany’s position is met with clear resistance from Austria and Switzerland. The Berne government refuses to close the ski resorts. The country is trying to control the pandemic with less drastic measures than other countries. Shops and restaurants are still open in many places. Above all, government is based on personal responsibility. However, some cantons have imposed their own blockades.

Vienna’s response is cautious. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s government wants compensation payments from the EU if the Commission requests an exemption for skiing holidays across Europe. “The current proposal means serious economic losses for Austria,” said Finance Minister Gernot Blümel of the “Welt” newspaper. It takes on a compensation claim worth two billion euros if the ski areas have to close.

According to “Welt”, the ÖVP politician accused the big EU countries of making things too easy for them when they push for a ban or a recommendation from Brussels. “Our economy depends much more on winter tourism than Italy, France or Germany,” said the finance minister. Also, the most important part of the winter season in Italy and France does not begin until February. Therefore, these countries would be “significantly less affected by their own proposal” than Austria.

“Unimaginable winter sports”

In fact, the main Alpine neighbors support Germany’s position. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte only sparked the dispute when he proposed that the ski areas remain closed until at least January 10. The current figures “are not compatible with the opening of winter sports,” said the president of the Italian Health Council, Franco Locatelli.

According to the current management report, the corona data indicates that the measures taken over the last few weeks are having an effect. The number of new infections each day remains significantly high. In many regions, a high risk remains.

Protests in France

France is currently negotiating a common line with Germany and other EU countries. Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Thursday that French ski resorts will be allowed to open during the Christmas holidays, but the ski lifts must remain closed. As in all parts of the country, restaurants and bars must remain closed until at least January 20, according to government crown regulations. Hundreds of people demonstrated today against this plan in the city of Gap.

Inforadio reported on this issue on November 28, 2020 at 9:44 am
