Corona pandemic: Laschet calls for new concepts


Another year with closures and billions in aid will destroy the state, NRW Prime Minister Laschet is convinced. Ask for new concepts. Foreign Minister Braun is more optimistic about 2021.

Society and the economy cannot endure another year like 2020, that is what the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, is convinced of. To combat the corona pandemic, it calls for fundamentally new concepts starting in January. “We cannot close everything in the long term and the state pays billions in losses month after month,” he told the “Rheinische Post.” A new model will be required starting in the new year. Permanent closures and subsequent compensation payments destroy the state in the long run. “

Since the turn of the year, “smart concepts should allow long-term prospects for living with the pandemic,” continued the CDU politician. With the approval of a vaccine, these concepts are also realistic. “Society and the economy cannot last another year like this.”

Braun: “Pandemic will lose its horror next year”

The head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, expects major damage to the German economy despite billions in government aid. “The Corona crisis will leave a significant mark on the economy,” Braun told the Handelsblatt. The state can help most companies overcome the crisis. “But it will not be without consequences.” Braun believes another economic stimulus package is possible next summer. “If necessary, we have to mark new impulses.”

However, Braun is more optimistic about the course of the pandemic in the coming year. “The pandemic will lose its horror next year,” said the minister. “As a society we have to stick to December and the months through March by observing AHA rules and reducing our contacts. Where that is not enough, cuts are inevitable. Then spring will come and hopefully the vaccine will as well.”

Söder for reassessing the situation in two weeks

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder criticized the fact that some citizens repeatedly looked for loopholes in applicable regulations in the crown pandemic. At ARD shows Anne Will said the head of CSU:If we now focus on how we can reduce the numbers as best we can and apply it as consistently as possible, then I think Christmas is laid back. ”I was more concerned than Christmas, New Years Eve and the ski activities.

Söder asked to speak again about the crown measures in two weeks. If the high number of infections did not diminish, it would be necessary to say if “the extension and the deepening could become more deepening”.

Medical chair for faster tests

The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, also does not see any risk of an explosive increase in the number of infections during the Christmas holidays. “I think Christmas is unlikely to become a nationally widely publicized event,” he told “Mannheimer Morgen.” If people adhere to infection protection regulations, temporary relaxation is justifiable and even advisable for psychosocial reasons. Reinhardt spoke out in favor of using rapid corona tests more frequently. Health care facilities such as nursing homes or hospitals should be given priority. “Later it is conceivable to do rapid tests before major events, if they are allowed again.”

Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute reported 11,169 new corona infections in the past 24 hours. Last Monday the figure was 10,864. The numbers are comparatively low on Sundays and Mondays because, according to the RKI, fewer samples are taken on weekends and therefore fewer tests are done overall. 125 people infected with the virus died. This increased the number of deaths in Germany to a total of 16,248.
