Corona pandemic: Johnson sends England into lockdown


In view of the increase in crown numbers, British Prime Minister Johnson is also pressing the emergency brake: on Thursday there will be a partial lockdown for England. Then restaurants and pubs, among other things, have to close.

Since Thomas Spickhofen, ARD-Studio London

“If we don’t act now,” says British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, “we could soon have several thousand deaths a day, much more than in April.” At least 50,000 people are already infected with the virus every day in the UK. Some hospitals already have as many Covid-19 patients as they did at the height of the first wave.

Without additional measures, the number of deaths could rise from 2,000 to 4,000 a day in the next two months, say government advisers. In light of this development, the British prime minister is now forced to do what he has been trying to avoid for weeks: another lockdown.

Stay home, only go out to very specific things, like school or work, if you can’t work from home. Shops, leisure facilities, gyms will be closed, as will pubs, bars and restaurants, except for take out. And if you are over 60 or have previous illnesses, you need to follow the rules very carefully and minimize contact with others.

Measures not as hard as in spring

However, unlike spring, kindergartens, schools and universities will remain open this time. The requirement to spend a maximum of one hour outdoors also does not appear this time. He can still work on construction sites, the Premier League will continue to play. The reduced-time allowance, which is actually running out, will be extended by one month. The House of Commons must vote on the package on Wednesday so it can take effect on Thursday, for four weeks until December 2.

Johnson attracts the population and draws attention to Christmas. That will be different this year, maybe even completely different. “But I firmly believe that in this way we can give our families the opportunity to celebrate Christmas together.” At the same time, the Prime Minister refers to the other European countries. Not only is the UK affected, but “our friends in Belgium, France and Germany have taken very similar steps.”

Is the lockdown too late?

As early as September, the government’s scientific advisers recommended a new blockade to break distribution chains. Johnson, however, opted for regional restrictions and continues to believe this is correct. “The cost of these restrictions, the damage they do to jobs, living standards and mental health, is great,” Johnson said. They did not want to shut down one part of the country because the infection is spreading to another.

Critics accuse Johnson of missing an opportunity for a lockdown in connection with the fall break in the second half of October. Government measures in London only affect England, but stricter rules already exist in other parts of the country. On Monday, the Scottish state government is again introducing stricter regulations, Wales has again been locked in for a week, Northern Ireland since mid-October.
