Corona pandemic in the US: aid package worth billions in force


Status: 11.03.2021 9:56 pm

A day ahead of schedule, US President Biden signed a historic aid package: $ 1.9 trillion should pave the way for individuals and businesses to emerge from the corona pandemic.

United States President Joe Biden signed the billion dollar Corona aid package approved by Congress and it went into effect. The president signed the so-called US bailout plan with a volume of 1.9 trillion dollars (1.6 trillion euros) in the White House.

Checks for citizens

The package of measures includes, among other things, checks for $ 1,400 for millions of citizens, benefits for the unemployed and investments in vaccines and corona tests. After the Senate, the House of Representatives voted in favor of the law on Wednesday. Biden originally wanted to sign the text on Friday, but now he preferred to sign it for one day.

With the huge rescue package, the Democrat wants to step up the fight against the pandemic and its economic effects and help people and businesses in need.

Unemployment benefit is extended

Checks for $ 1,400 for millions of citizens alone cost more than $ 400 billion. Additionally, the additional unemployment benefits of $ 300 per week will run through September and tax breaks will be extended for families with children and low-income individuals.

Billions are also planned for vaccines and corona tests, the safe reopening of schools and businesses in crisis. Cities and states are expected to receive $ 350 billion to cope with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

In the fight against the pandemic, the United States had already launched several huge aid packages last year. The largest, valued at $ 2.2 trillion, was the largest aid package in American history. Opposition Republicans have criticized the latest aid for being too costly and insufficiently targeted.

530,000 Totalizer

About 530,000 people have already died in connection with a corona infection in the US, more than in any other country in the world. In recent weeks, however, the number of new infections and deaths has dropped significantly. Furthermore, the nationwide vaccination campaign is advancing rapidly.

Biden wanted to address the nation in a televised address on the coronavirus Thursday night. The occasion is the first anniversary of the declaration of the pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020.
