Corona pandemic in Europe: record values, new rules and a warning


Poland, Portugal, Italy, and now Germany too: more and more European countries are reporting maximum crown values ​​and more and more countries are issuing new restrictions. The WHO also warns and urges “uncompromising” measures.

Not only does Germany have a record number to report, other countries in Europe are also recording more new infections than ever since the start of the corona pandemic. In view of the increasing numbers, the Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Hans Kluge, has called on governments to take “intransigent” countermeasures. It is about flattening the infection curve. Restrictions on public life in various European states are “absolutely necessary” for this.

Kluge warned that if the pandemic is unsuccessful, even more drastic restrictions could result than before. It is still relatively easy to follow the measurements. According to epidemiological estimates, 281,000 deaths in Europe could be prevented in February if 95 percent of people wore masks and adhered to distance rules.

More restrictions in the UK and France

Several European countries have already issued new restrictions. After Germany and France announced new rules the night before, Britain today also announced a further tightening of the measures. The second highest level of corona warning will apply in London and seven other areas of Great Britain in the future.

Health Minister Matt Hancock referred to the rapid rise in infection rates in the House of Commons. Quick action is required to control the virus. The highest alert level had already been ordered for Liverpool: it means bars have to close and in many cases outdoor gatherings are also prohibited. Since this week there has been a three stage crown warning system in England.

“We do not have time”

In France, from Saturday to December 1, 18 million residents in Paris and some other cities are subject to a night curfew starting at 9 pm President Emmanuel Macron also announced another health emergency. Aurélien Rousseau, responsible for public health care in the Paris region, said that almost half of the intensive care beds are now occupied by patients with crown.

The Netherlands had already closed bars and restaurants this week, while schools in Northern Ireland and the Czech Republic will be closed. The Czech government has warned that hospitals could reach their capacity limits by the end of October. The army will establish a hospital for corona patients at the Prague exhibition center, he said. “We have to develop additional capabilities as soon as possible,” Prime Minister Andrej Babis said. “We don’t have time. The prognosis is not good.”

Disaster in Portugal

The numbers are also rising in Portugal, which has weathered the crisis relatively well so far. On Wednesday, the Lisbon government declared a nationwide disaster. The order will initially apply from today for 15 days and will allow the government to enforce restrictions on freedom of movement and other drastic measures if necessary, Prime Minister António Costa said. Only a maximum of five people should be allowed to gather in public, the maximum number of participants should be reduced to 50 for private celebrations, and masks should be mandatory outside the apartment itself.

The situation is “serious”, warned Costa. The number of new infections registered in 24 hours rose on Wednesday in the country with 10.3 million inhabitants until 2072, the highest value since the start of the pandemic. Italy, Poland, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have reported record values ​​in recent days.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 15, 2020 at 5:00 pm
