Corona pandemic: Hungary prefers the start of vaccination


Sunday is the big day in the EU: coronavirus vaccines should start everywhere. The ordered cans have already been delivered, some with police escort. Hungary administered the first vaccines on Saturday afternoon.

The start of vaccination in the EU is actually only on Sunday, but Hungary, like Germany meanwhile, has gone ahead and has already vaccinated the first doctors and nurses. “We start vaccinations among health workers according to a pre-established schedule,” a government spokesman said when asked by Reuters. A senior doctor in a Budapest hospital was the first to receive the injection.

Adrienne Kertesz told the state television station after her vaccination that she had waited a long time for this moment. Now you may be able to continue working safely. As head of the Infection Control Department, Kertesz primarily deals with Covid-19 patients.

The first shipment of nearly 10,000 doses of the vaccine arrived in Hungary early Saturday morning. The load was distributed to several large hospitals in the country: two in Budapest and one in Debrecen and Nyiregyhaza each.

Slovakia also announced on Saturday night that it had started the first vaccinations. Most other states want to start Sunday as planned.

Tens of thousands of cans in the EU

The vaccine should be available in all 27 EU countries at the same time. In Italy, the first doses of the preparation reached their destination in Rome with military escort. The Defense Ministry confirmed that the transporter arrived at a Carabinieri barracks in the north of the capital on Friday night. The first doses of vaccination were also delivered in Austria; They came to the country from Belgium via Germany. The approximately 10,000 cans were brought to a warehouse in Vienna from the border crossing at Suben in Upper Austria with police escort, authorities said. The vaccine has now also reached Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Hope for more normality

“And people start vaccinating in Athens, Rome, Helsinki, Sofia, wherever,” said the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The European Immunization Days are a moving moment of unity and a success story in Europe. More vaccines will be available soon. “Let’s make 2021 our year of European recovery and hope.”

At the same time, von der Leyen hoped for more normalcy next year. “The vaccines will help us gradually return to our normal life,” he said in a video posted on Twitter. As soon as enough people have been vaccinated, you can start traveling again, reunite with friends and family, and spend the holidays normally. “But until then we have to be careful.”

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 26, 2020 at 8:00 pm
