Corona pandemic: For the first time, more than 1,000 deaths in one day


The RKI reports a new record with 1129 deaths per crown in one day. More and more representatives of politics and science expect the crown’s restrictions to continue after January 10.

For the first time in Germany, more than 1000 deaths have been reported in one day in connection with a coronavirus infection. As announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), citing information from health authorities, 1,129 more deaths were recorded. The previous record was 962 deaths in 24 hours and was recorded on Wednesday of last week.

Health authorities report more than 22,000 new infections

The total number of registered corona deaths in Germany since the start of the pandemic rose to 32,107 according to the latest information from the RKI. According to the institute, 22,459 new corona virus infections were also registered in 24 hours. The daily highs to date have been more than 30,000 cases.

The number of corona infections recorded in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic increased to a total of 1,687,185. According to the RKI, around 1,302,600 people have recovered from a corona infection. The so-called seven-day incidence was 141.3. The day before it was 149.2. The seven-day incidence is a fundamental measure for the imposition and relaxation of measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Spahn: No “pre-lock mode” possible after January 10

More and more politicians hope that the blockade in Germany will continue after January 10. So did the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU). “To this day, the numbers are far from where we should go,” Spahn said in den daily topics. Therefore, there is no doubt that the actions will continue after January 10. “To what extent, we will have to decide with the federal states in early January,” added the minister. However, it is foreseeable that the numbers will not be so low by then “that we can just go back to pre-lock mode.”

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had previously spoken with the dpa news agency. When asked if he saw any reason to give students, parents or business owners hope that the shutdown will end on January 10, he replied: “We have to be honest and realistic. No one can seriously awaken this hope.” Similar signals came from the ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (SPD), current chairman of the main state conference.

Decrease in excess mortality “perhaps in March”

Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek also assumes that restrictions will only slowly ease in the coming year. “I hope the situation improves early in the summer,” said the scientist, who also advises the Hessian state government, on the dpa. Much can happen again abroad and vaccinations will show their first effects in the high-risk group.

However, Ciesek cautioned against underestimating the time span. “It is not like vaccinating directly to avoid deaths,” he said. There are often “many, many weeks” between a new infection and death in severe cases. She expects a decrease in excess mortality “roughly estimated perhaps in March. Until then, the mortality rate depends mainly on the number of new infections and the other measures remain our only weapon.”

According to virologist Melanie Brinkmann of the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, it only makes sense to relax measures if the incidence rate is 10 new infections per 100,000 people. “That would be an area that we’ve been to before and where we have enough testing capacity for us to be able to test really fast, because speed always counts; how quickly can we get the virus out of the way. Follow up on contacts well. he said on Deutschlandfunk.

The current contact restrictions, which went into effect on December 16, continue to apply until January 10. The goal of the nationwide restrictions is to reduce the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents to a maximum of 50 in one week. On January 5, the heads of government of the federal states will hold another consultation with Chancellor Merkel.
