Corona pandemic: federal and state governments are apparently controlling curfew


On Tuesday, the federal and state governments will join forces again to discuss tightening the crown’s measures. The conversation is apparently a stricter mask requirement, as well as a nightly curfew.

Many people have been restricting their lives for months; However, resounding success in the fight against coronavirus has yet to be achieved. In this context, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states will meet again on Tuesday to discuss how to proceed. Now what is filtered is what the participants are considering.

Like the business magazine “Business Insider” and the report “Tagesspiegel”, referring to government circles, the Chancellery wants to introduce a uniform night curfew at the national level, as already exists in France and other neighboring countries. The federal states have signaled their approval for this: it is still open from when it will apply and if it should only come into force after a certain incidence.

More stringent mask requirement when purchasing

The introduction of an FFP2 mask requirement for shopping and on local public transport is also being discussed. According to “Business Insider,” there should also be a kind of “home office work light” for businesses and administrations. Consequently, when possible, employees should be able to work from home.

Meanwhile, a reduction in bus and train traffic, which has been debated in the meantime, is out of the question. According to the report, schools and daycare centers will remain closed for the most part.

Söder is considering border controls

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder does not rule out the renewal of border controls. “The best would be a uniform European strategy to fight the crown,” said the CSU president of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. “If this doesn’t continue, border controls would make sense.” That already helped effectively in the spring. “It doesn’t take forever. If there are more vaccines, the situation can improve quickly.”

Seven-day incidence is dropping

Despite months of restrictions, the crown numbers in Germany are still quite high, but they are at least significantly below those in the run-up to Christmas. However, experts warn of new dangers from highly infectious virus variants that first appeared in Britain and South Africa and have now reached Germany as well.

After the holidays with less testing, the values ​​are now considered significant again. It is currently positive that the so-called seven-day incidence is falling: from 166.6 on January 10 to 136 today, as data from the Robert Koch Institute shows. It is not clear how long this decline will last. The high of 197.6 was reached on December 22, after which the number fluctuated. Furthermore, the differences between federal states remain large.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on January 17, 2021 at 7pm
