Corona Pandemic Ethics Council: Announce Celebrity Vaccination


The chairman of the ethics council, Buyx, hopes that as many people as possible will be vaccinated against the crown. She does this in the daily topics-Interview a vaccination campaign with celebrities at stake.

It should only be a matter of days before the first coronavirus vaccines can also be administered in Germany. The new Corona vaccination plan initially provides for the vaccination of the elderly and those in need of care.

But: by no means does everyone want to get vaccinated. According to surveys, the majority are willing to get vaccinated, but one in three is unlikely to want to get vaccinated.

Not just cold facts

The president of the ethics council Alena Buyx spoke at the tagesthemen for further clarification and for the entire vaccine development and approval process to be transparent. Not only should cold facts be presented, but successes should also be highlighted, according to Buyx.

To this end, you could imagine a vaccination campaign with older celebrities belonging to the group of people over 80 who get vaccinated first, such as an actor or actress.

She named Elvis as an example of a comparable approach: He had been vaccinated against polio in 1956 before appearing in public. Within a few months, hundreds of thousands of young people in the United States followed suit.

With the symbol of spring for the protection of vaccination.

Italy already has an idea for its national vaccination campaign: a large advertising campaign with primrose as a symbol will be launched there. The slogan of the advertising campaign is: “Italy will be reborn with a flower”. Drums must be played on radio, television and the Internet. Italy also wants to install 1,500 flower-shaped pavilions in many places. The country wants to start vaccinations in mid-January.

Vaccination is “the way to live more normally”

In Germany, people have so far relied more on facts than on emotions. According to Buyx, it is also a fact that no one wants to live in the pandemic longer than necessary. Regarding the vaccination plan of the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), said that the central organization was important: this was the only way to organize everything in a pragmatic and fair way.

But it is also clear that “of course you don’t have to wait until the last person in the first priority group has been vaccinated before starting to vaccinate the next one, because it can overlap a bit.”

Failure is not an option

UN Secretary General António Guterres recently urgently warned of the failure of a global coronavirus vaccination campaign: in an interview with “Zeit Online”, he said that it was important to reduce skepticism in parts of the population about vaccines : “Vaccines will not be mandatory. And we know that there is a great campaign on social networks to discourage people from getting vaccinated.”
