Corona pandemic: billions in aid will also flow in December


The federal government is making an additional 15 billion euros available in the crown crisis. Restaurants, bars and clubs, cultural and leisure facilities in particular should benefit, but so should freelancers.

By Dirk Rodenkirch, ARD capital studio

The federal government plans to provide at least 15 billion euros for December aid. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and Finance Minister Peter Altmaier announced it. The money is intended for companies and freelancers affected by the current closures.

According to Scholz, the December aid is designed similarly to the November aid. Three-quarters of the failures will also be replaced in December, based on previous year’s sales. It involves assistance to restaurants, bars and nightclubs, as well as cultural and leisure facilities. Details are yet to be discussed with the EU Commission.

Online applications

The federal government already foresees a volume of up to 15,000 million euros for the November aid. The grants can be requested online from Wednesday. According to Economy Minister Altmaier, 28,000 applications had been received as of Friday morning. Almost half of them are self-employed.

Extended bridge aids

The federal and state governments decided this week to extend the partial lockdown until shortly before Christmas. The federal government was unable to make up all of the losses, Altmaier said. But the signal for those affected is not to disappoint them.

The two ministers also decided to extend the bridge aid in advance. The aid, which was initially scheduled until the end of this year, will now be available until mid-2021. According to Scholz in a revised form.

A special fund for culture is also being created. So that the industry can re-plan events, for a life that “after the words we want to have together again next year,” said Scholz.

Daily Topics will report on this topic on November 27, 2020 at 9:45 pm
