Corona News Ticker: Vaccines started in the north | – news


Status: 27.12.2020 10:13 am

In the live ticker, will keep you updated today on the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. All information about Saturday can be found at Blog from yesterday.

The essentials in brief:

  • In Lower saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg start corona shots
  • New confirmed infections: Schleswig-Holstein 229, Lower Saxony 445; nationwide 13,755

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
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different case numbers terms

10:13 am

Lower Saxony reports 445 new infections

The state of Lower Saxony has registered 445 new Sars-CoV-2 infections compared to the previous day, most of them in the district of Osnabrück (+109). A week ago there were 1,344 new cases across the country. However, not all health authorities reliably report Christmas. According to the State Health Office, the number of deaths related to the Covid-19 disease increased by 21 to 1,796. The incidence value per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days for the whole of Lower Saxony is now 100.1.

9:59 am

MV has started vaccinations in Güstrow

Vaccination against the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus started today in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. At a care center in Güstrow, the first residents received an injection that morning. Today a total of 58 older people will be vaccinated there. “We started out cautiously and carefully,” said district spokesman Michael Fengler NDR 1 Radio MV. Almost 1,000 doses of vaccine had arrived at the Laage vaccination center early in the morning. Rostock also received around 1,000 cans.

More information

One hand holds a Covid-19 vaccine and a syringe.  © Picture Alliance / SvenSimon |  Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON Photography: Picture Alliance / SvenSimon |  Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON

Vaccination against the coronavirus began today in MV. Yesterday the first doses of vaccination arrived. plus

09:01 am

Explanatory video: The new vaccine

Today, corona vaccines start in the north with Biontech / Pfizer serum. To find out how the vaccine works, watch this video:

VIDEO: How does a corona mRNA vaccine work? (1 minute)

6:59 am

MV: Christmas exception for contacts ended

The three-day exemption for visits during the Christmas holidays has ended. As of today, the most extensive corona contact restrictions apply again in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. According to the ordinance, members of a household can only meet people from another household. You cannot exceed the number of five people in public and in private, not including children up to 14 years.

06:33 am

RKI recorded 13,755 new corona cases

German health authorities reported 13,755 new coronavirus infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours. The number of confirmed deaths related to Covid 19 disease increased by 356. A week ago, 22,771 new infections were reported in one day.

6:25 am

Start of vaccination in the north

After the nationwide distribution of the first doses of coronavirus vaccination, Northerners are also starting vaccinations today. According to the previously established order, in Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Hamburg and Bremen are the first residents of nursing homes and nursing homes, as well as medical personnel, to receive the protective vaccine.

More information

There is a cannula in a vaccine vial.  © Colourbox Photo: Proxima Studio

The start is in the districts of Osnabrück and Cloppenburg. The first batch comprises almost 10,000 doses of vaccine. plus

6:20 am

Schleswig-Holstein again reports 229 new infections

In Schleswig-Holstein, 229 additional corona infections have been reported, the same number as the day before. There were 431 on Sunday a week ago. However, the information is difficult to compare because fewer tests are likely due to the holidays and many health authorities report new corona cases later than usual. The incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants gives the government of Schleswig-Holstein 85.4. Seven other people died as a result of Covid 19 disease.

6:15 am

32 corona cases in refugee accommodation in Hamburg-Harburg

A corona outbreak occurred in a refugee accommodation in Hamburg-Harburg: 32 people tested positive. Firefighters led the infected and 25 relatives to isolation in the Rahlstedt district of Hamburg. The facility is in quarantine.

VIDEO: Harburg refugee quarantined accommodation (1 min)

6:10 am ticker starts on Sunday

The team will also keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany on Sunday, December 27. In the live ticker you will find all the important news of today, as well as the content of the NDR radio and television programs.

A.M Saturday 964 new infections were recorded in Lower Saxony, 229 in Schleswig-Holstein, 297 in Hamburg and 102 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The state of Bremen does not report figures during the holidays. Nationwide there were 14,455 new confirmed cases.

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