Corona News Ticker: The Interior Ministry Regulation enters into force | – news


Status: 01/27/2021 6:00 am

In the live ticker, will also inform you today, Wednesday 27 January 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see yesterday’s events read on the blog.

The most important shortly:

  • Head office regulation goes into effect nationwide
  • Schleswig-Holstein registers 558 new cases of coronavirus

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
This results in a different number of cases

6:00 am.

558 new cases of coronavirus in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, 558 new corona cases were recorded in one day. A week earlier, 456 new infections had been reported. The seven-day incidence increased from 89.7 to 82.5. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Kiel. The number of deaths increased from 25 to 794. So far, there have been 34,515 confirmed corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein since the start of the corona pandemic almost a year ago.

05:55 am

Head office regulation goes into effect nationwide

Kick today New requirements of the central office of the Federal Ministry of Labor come into force. In the pandemic, they are expected to increase pressure on employers to offer employees, where possible, home work. However, employees cannot be compelled to accept this offer. In addition, standards for protection against infection in the workplace are tightened. The ordinance is time-limited and runs through March 15. If the situation does not improve, the federal government could extend it.

VIDEO: Suddenly a place of nostalgia? The Office Story (3 min.)

5:50 am ticker starts on Wednesday

Also on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

New infections reported in northern Tuesday: Schleswig-Holstein reported 111 cases, Lower Saxony 486, Hamburg 206, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 381 and the state of Bremen 75.

FAQ, podcast and background

A passenger wearing an FFP2 protective mask gets on a train © dpa Photo: Tobias Hase

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