Corona News Ticker: The hard lock will likely start on Wednesday | – news


Status: 13.12.2020 9:07 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see yesterday’s events at Saturday blog Read.

The essentials in brief:

  • Federal-State Meeting Today: Full Shutdown Should Begin Wednesday
  • RKI reports 20,200 new infections and 321 more deaths nationwide
  • Schäuble expects a change in the prioritization of vaccines
  • Marburger Bund attracts employers: enable the home office

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

09:07 am

Corona Summit Template: Hard Lockout Should Begin Wednesday

In view of the persistently high number of corona infections, Germany faces a severe lockdown long before Christmas. In a draft resolution sent by the Federal Chancellery to the federal states in the morning for the federal-state round with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) starting at 10 am it is proposed that retail trade, with the exception of stores for daily needs, whether from December 16 to January 10. close. For the same period of time, the draft available to various media recommends contact restrictions in schools and daycare centers: “During this time, children should be cared for at home whenever possible. Therefore, schools will be closed or closed. will suspend compulsory attendance during this period. ” The same procedure should be used in nurseries. Based on these ideas, additional opportunities should be created for parents to take paid leave to care for their children during the mentioned period.

8:50 am

Schäuble expects a change in prioritization of vaccines

The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, is still waiting for changes in the order in which the population of Germany should be vaccinated against the corona virus. “The recommendation of the experts will certainly be refined,” said the “Welt am Sonntag” CDU politician. “Personally, I would prioritize people who have to work with infected people or who have to do with the elderly and infirm. They have an extremely high risk of contracting Corona. And if there are too many doctors and nurses missing, they stand their ground. We are faced with a big problem “. Last Monday, the Permanent Commission for Vaccination (Stiko) sent a draft to countries and medical societies. Therefore, it is recommended that vaccines be offered initially to groups of people at particularly high risk of severe or fatal disease progression, as well as to groups who are particularly exposed at work or who have close contact with groups of people. risk.

08:30 am.

NINA warning app is supposed to deliver local corona data

Rather than just general information about the corona pandemic, the state warning app NINA is supposed to provide local information as well starting this week. This includes the infection numbers and current crown rules at the location. People’s need for information is enormous, said the president of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Armin Schuster. At the same time, there is often great uncertainty about what rules apply where one is currently staying. The new version of the NINA warning app will also offer important content in seven foreign languages ​​as well as light German in the future. In addition to information on the corona pandemic, it provides warning messages from more than 250 rescue control centers throughout Germany. These are often storms, fires, or bombs.

8:00 am

Commentary: “German policy failed in the fall of the Crown”

A tough lockdown is increasingly likely to contain the corona pandemic. The strict anti-crown measures are correct, but valuable weeks have been wasted, that’s what Markus Feldenkirchen, political author in the capital office of “Spiegel” says in the weekly commentary NDR Info.

More information

Viruses float in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, photocase Photo: rclassen

German policy failed in the fall of Corona, says “Spiegel” author Markus Feldenkirchen in the weekly NDR Info commentary. More

07:22 am

Marburger Bund attracts employers: enable the home office

In light of the high number of coronavirus infections, the Marburger Bund is calling on employers to allow their employees to work from home. “Whenever possible, employers should allow their employees to do their work from home,” said the first president of the medical association, Susanne Johna, of the German press agency. “Working from home, whenever possible, will also mean that in this critical phase fewer people gather in the morning and evening on crowded buses and trains and infect each other.” The large number of infections required rapid and consistent action, Johna says. The risk of health system overload is real in many regions, although postponed interventions are no longer carried out in most hospitals. “Anything that helps reduce the number of infections quickly will relieve us in hospitals and save lives.”

6:45 am

RKI reports 20,200 new infections and 321 more deaths nationwide

In Germany, more than 20,000 new coronavirus infections were recorded in one day. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Sunday morning, citing information from health authorities, 20,200 new cases of infection were recorded in 24 hours. Last Sunday around 17,700 new infections were registered. According to the RKI, the number of deaths per crown increased in one day by 321 to a total of 21,787. Since not all health authorities transmit data on weekends, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays than on other days of the week. The highest figures to date for Germany were reported on Friday with 29,875 new infections and 598 deaths from corona.

6:10 am

Partial lock lacks impact – tougher conditions in sight

Shortly before the renewed consultations on the crown today by the federal and state governments, signs of new difficult conditions are increasing. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the CDU and CSU want to speed up the pace of their deliberations, according to Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann. “Our society has to adapt to a hard blockade, and it turns out that more before Christmas and not after Christmas,” said the green politician after a change of Crown with Merkel and the Prime Minister of the Union.

More information

A sign indicates the existing mask requirement and the distance requirement.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

Calls for a uniform confinement are increasing. Another federal-state meeting is scheduled for Sunday. plus

06:05 am

Possibly the latest Christmas shopping at the moment attracting shoppers to stores

Possibly the last shopping Saturday before Christmas, many people took the opportunity to buy gifts in stores. As a result, queues formed in front of some shops in the center of Hamburg, for example.

VIDEO: Go to stores before imminent closure (5 min)

6:00 am. wishes you a good third advent with a new Corona ticker

The team will also keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany on the third advent. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

2,602 new infections were reported in the north on Saturday: 1,339 in Lower Saxony, 384 in Schleswig-Holstein, 515 in Hamburg, 199 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 165 in the state of Bremen.

FAQ, podcast and background

A sign indicates the existing mask requirement and the distance requirement.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

Calls for a uniform confinement are increasing. Another federal-state meeting is scheduled for Sunday. plus

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