Corona News Ticker: More Help for Families and Businesses | – news


Status: 04.02.2021 7:25 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today, Thursday 4 February 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. To read: The Wednesday blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • Grand coalition resolves aid to families and businesses
  • VAT reduction for extended gastronomy
  • The aid program for cultural workers will continue
  • Spahn considers Russian vaccine Sputnik V conceivable in the EU
  • The Ethics Council presents recommendations on possible special rights for vaccinated people
  • 484 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein
  • 14,211 new infections and 786 new confirmed deaths nationwide

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: this is how different numbers of cases arise

07:25 am

The Ethics Council presents recommendations on possible special rights for vaccinated people

The German Ethics Council today published its recommendation on the question of whether there should be special rules for people vaccinated against the coronavirus. Whether vaccinated people should have the right to attend events or restaurants has long been a controversial discussion. So far, special rights for vaccinated people have been largely rejected in Germany, also because it is not yet clear to what extent they can still transmit the virus. Furthermore, only a small part of the population currently has the option of vaccination. The recommendations of the ethics council will be presented by the president of the council Alena Buyx, her deputy Volker Lipp and the spokesperson of the “Pandemic” working group, Sigrid Graumann.

07:15 am

Bundeswehr starts pandemic aid in Portugal

In Portugal, the Bundeswehr has started its aid operation in the Crown crisis. The 26 soldiers arrived in Lisbon yesterday. You are supposed to help out in one of the largest and most modern hospitals in the country. Portugal is currently particularly affected by the corona pandemic. The British mutant virus, in particular, has increased the number of cases and the health system is overwhelmed. The deployment of the Bundeswehr will initially last three weeks.

VIDEO: Bundeswehr sends emergency aid from the crown to Portugal (1 min)

06:47 am

14,211 new infections and 786 new deaths reported nationwide

German health authorities reported 14,211 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 786 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours. Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 17,553 new infections and 941 new deaths in 24 hours. The number of new infections reported in seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) was 80.7 in the morning, according to the RKI. Most federal states continue to see a seven-day drop in incidents. The seven-day R-value nationwide was 0.83 (previous day 0.85) according to RKI’s management report on Wednesday night. This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 83 more people.

06:40 am

Spahn considers Russian vaccine Sputnik V conceivable in the EU

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) can imagine the approval of the Russian corona Sputnik V vaccine in the EU. Spahn said in various media that he is happy with all the vaccines that work and are safe. First of all, however, the European homologation authority EMA Sputnik V must carry out a test. At the same time, the minister described the published data as encouraging. Furthermore, Spahn was reluctant to relax the crown’s measures since mid-February. The numbers are encouraging. There is a notable downward trend in new infections. However, in the opinion of the CDU politician, it is not yet possible to say where the country will be by the end of next week. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers want to decide how to proceed in six days.

06:23 am

The aid program for cultural workers will continue

In the Corona crisis, cultural workers receive more support from the federal government. Following the coalition’s decision on Wednesday night, a follow-up program to the rescue and future program “Neustart Kultur” will be launched with another 1 billion euros.

06:19 am

VAT reduction for extended gastronomy

According to the will of the grand coalition, a reduced VAT rate of seven percent should be applied to meals in restaurants and cafes by the end of 2022. Union leaders and the SPD decided on Wednesday evening that the exemption, which was initially limited to June 30, would be extended due to the crown crisis.

6:15 am

Grand coalition resolves aid to families and businesses

The grand coalition wants to cushion the negative consequences of the corona pandemic with financial aid for low wage earners and tax breaks for companies. As in the previous year, families should receive a bonus per child. The one-time surcharge on the child benefit must be 150 euros. The CDU / CSU coalition committee and the SPD decided this last night at the Berlin Chancellery, as both parties subsequently announced. Last year families received 300 euros per child to stimulate consumption in the crisis of the Crown. Adult beneficiaries of basic income support should now also receive a one-time Crown grant of 150 euros. For the freelancers suddenly in need and low-income employees, easier access to basic security will last until late 2021. The grand coalition is also helping companies with losses related to the crown. With a long loss carryforward, you should be able to offset these losses on your tax return more comprehensively than before with gains from prior years.

05:58 am

484 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, 484 new corona virus infections have been recorded. This is the highest number of new infections in a week. There are 236 more cases than yesterday and 25 less than on Thursday a week ago. 23 people also died from or with the virus. The number of new infections reported per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days increased from 68.7 to 69.4. This stems from the data that the Kiel Health Ministry released on Wednesday evening. According to the information, 471 corona patients are currently being treated in Schleswig-Holstein hospitals, 95 of them in intensive care, 60 with ventilation.

5:50 am

Lower Saxony: Minister Reimann honors nursing staff

Lower Saxony Social Affairs Minister Carola Reimann (SPD) said last night that the stress in the corona pandemic hit nursing staff in hospitals, as well as the elderly and disabled, particularly hard. In his greeting to the digital start of the year by the state working group for free welfare in Lower Saxony, he highlighted the importance of social solidarity at this time. The corona virus mutations caused him “great concern,” he stressed. Reimann wants to report on the current situation of the crown today at 10.15 am at the social committee of the state parliament in Hannover. The head of the State Chancellery, Jörg Mielke, wants to report on the step-by-step plan for easing.

More information

Empty seats on the sidewalk of the restaurant © photocase Photo: nailiaschwarz

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05:45 am started on Thursday

Also on Thursday, February 4, 2021, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

New infections reported in northern Wednesday: 105 in Bremen, 203 in Hamburg, 248 in Schleswig-Holstein, 310 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 1,086 in Lower Saxony.

FAQ, podcast and background

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