Corona News Ticker: Incidence values ​​are increasing in the north | – news


Status: 14.03.2021 12:54 pm

In the live ticker, will inform you today, Sunday March 14, 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg.

The essentials in brief:

  • MV: Second subsequent vaccination, 15,000 doses for general practitioners
  • What Corona does to democracy – Interviews with six politicians
  • Lower saxony reports 1,111 new cases of corona, Hamburg 194, Schleswig-Holstein 263 – incidence there again more than 50
  • 10,790 new cases of corona nationwide

12:54 pm

Hamburg: further lawsuits expected against mask requirement

The head of the Hamburg CDU, Christoph Ploß, expects a wave of lawsuits against the city’s extended obligation to wear crown masks. “We are in a critical situation in which the understanding of the population about protection measures is decreasing, but the number of corona cases is increasing,” said Ploß. There is a threat of “a continuing wave of lawsuits that will put enormous pressure on the courts.” On Friday, the Administrative Court of Hamburg had a An urgent application was granted against the obligation to wear a mask in the green spaces of the Alster and the Elbe on weekends, but the decision only applies to the applicant. A similar first instance A decision was made regarding the requirement to wear masks on playgrounds. “After the court rulings, the red-green Senate should immediately abolish absurd measures such as the general mask requirement for runners and make the rules proportionate,” demanded Ploß.

12:19 pm

Incidence is increasing slightly in Hamburg

The number of new confirmed Coronoa infections has increased by 194 in Hamburg. This is slightly fewer new cases than yesterday (210), but more than a week ago (170). This slightly increases the incidence from seven days to 86.8. A week ago this value was 82.6.

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A person in a full-body protective suit with blue gloves holds a corona test tube in his hands.  © Picture Alliance / Photo Booth Photo: Havergo

The social security agency registered 24 more cases on Sunday than a week ago. The incidence value keeps increasing. plus

11:31 am

Another 1,111 new corona cases reported in Lower Saxony

The number of new corona infections recorded in Lower Saxony is, as of yesterday, 1,111. A week ago, on Sunday, 876 new cases were reported. The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population increased to 76.8; yesterday, this value was 74.7. Nine municipalities in Lower Saxony now have an incidence of more than 100. The districts of Cloppenburg (133.0), Emsland (100.9), Leer (109.5), Peine (161.7), Vechta (100.1 ) and Wesermarsch (105.0), Hannover region (120.4), the city of Osnabrück (123.4) and the city of Salzgitter are affected, which has the highest incidence of seven days in Lower Saxony with 182.2.

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A swab is held in a corona test facility.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Britta Pedersen

The country recorded 1,111 new infections and 7 more deaths in one day. plus

11:11 am

Crown Requirement Violations

In the Celle district, several people have violated Corona’s requirements. In an apartment in Lachendorf, the police broke up a celebration in which people from seven different households gathered, as announced by a police spokesman. A little later, officials discovered two cars in which people from more than two households were sitting without covering their mouths and noses. All of them have been initiated an administrative process for infringement.

10:17 am

10,790 new cases of corona nationwide

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 10,790 new infections with the corona virus today. Yesterday there were 12,674 new cases nationwide, on Sunday 8,103 a week ago. The RKI currently gives the incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants for Germany in 79, yesterday the value was 76.1.

8:47 am

In the field of the tension between protection against infection and fundamental rights

The beginning of the first so-called lockdown in Germany due to the corona pandemic was a year ago. The NDR interviewed six Lower Saxon MPs from the parties represented in the Bundestag. In hindsight, MPs talk about the lockdown and the tension between protection against infection and restriction of basic rights. In the interviews, politicians give an idea of ​​how they evaluate the decision-making processes in the fight against pandemics to date and what consequences, from their point of view, this has for German democracy.

More information

An FFP2 mask stands in the meadow in front of the German Bundestag.  © picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentralbild Photo: Kira Hofmann

Member of the Lower Saxony Bundestag in the NDR interview: How has time lived since the first confinement? plus

07:07 am

MV: Second subsequent vaccination, 15,000 vaccination doses for general practitioners

The Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state government, local politicians and representatives of the medical profession have given advice on how the implementation of corona vaccines in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania can be improved. In order to vaccinate more people, the doses withheld for the second vaccination must now be significantly reduced in the Northeast and the intervals until the second vaccination must be extended to the maximum period possible. As a result, about a quarter more of the vaccine should be available for the initial vaccines, as Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said Sunday night. In addition, family doctors and ambulances will receive a total of 15,000 doses of vaccines from the manufacturer AstraZeneca starting March 22, in order to vaccinate themselves and their employees. This will ensure that there is protection against infection in the doctor’s offices until the start of the general vaccination, which is scheduled for mid-April. If there were any vaccines left, doctors could “vaccinate even the most severe cases,” Schwesig said.

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Schwerin State Chancellery © NDR Photo: Janine Rudolph

Focus on the first vaccines, protection against infections for general practitioners who wish to vaccinate, but the main problem remains: too little vaccine. plus

06:16 am

263 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, 263 new corona cases were reported in one day. That comes from data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel last night. Additionally, the seven-day incidence rose to more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents for the first time in two weeks. The day before it was still 48.6. The number of deaths among those infected is now 1,376, 3 more than the previous day. 186 corona patients were treated in Schleswig-Holstein hospitals. Like the day before, 53 people needed intensive care, 33 of them with ventilation.

6:10 am

Corona ticker starts on Sunday

Also on Sunday March 14, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news and also the content of the NDR radio and television programs.

New confirmed corona infections in northern Saturday: Lower Saxony 1,111, Hamburg 210, Schleswig-Holstein 234, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 169, Bremen state 85 – 12,674 new cases of corona were reported nationwide.

FAQ, podcast, and background

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (Editing) © picture alliance / dpa, Frankfurt University Hospital Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

Vaccinated in northern Germany

How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccine so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. plus

Corona numbers for Northern Germany

Automated charts: How many Covid-19 patients are in intensive care units? The current state of the occupation. plus

A compilation of images: Christian Drosten, a vial of the Cocid 19 vaccine, an elderly woman who undergoes a crown test.  © picture alliance, colourbox Photo: Michael Kappeler

In late 2019, a previously unknown lung disease erupts in China. A few weeks later the first case occurs in the north. plus

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has greatly changed everyday life. What else is there to consider? What is being investigated? Questions and answers. plus

Coronavirus blogs to read

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